
More on AFFG Custom Beads


More on AFFG Custom Beads(Alaska Fly Fishing Goodsカスタムビーズについての追加)

Care and Feeding of your new Custom Beads

Mark Hieronymus

So congratulations, you finally did it. You got some of those super-spiffy AFFG Guide Model beads, a few packs of the new TroutFood beads, or maybe you went whole hog and got some of those Metal Magnet steelhead beads. You are all set for a late summer crack at some big trout, or a fall excursion into steelhead country. To help you down the path to bead enlightenment and "fish nirvana" there are a few things you should know about the care and feeding of your new custom beads to make the experience a good one for both of you.

 おめでとう。結局やったね。非常にすばらしいAFFGのガイド・モデルのビーズ、新しいTroutFoodビーズのパックを手に入れたか、たぶん全部を、あるいはMetal Magnet Steelheadビーズを得たでしょう。晩夏の大物の鱒か、スティールヘッドの国への秋の小旅行が準備できた(be set for)。ビーズの啓蒙と魚の安息への道の下で、あなたを手助けするために、???




The most important thing you should know is that - even with all the love and attention lavished upon the Guide Model, TroutFood, and Metal Magnet beads during the painting process and the extra care that our team goes through to ensure that the finish-coat is applied just right - all painted beads will chip if treated improperly. We DO put a special layer of hard finish on them, but that still won't protect them from chipping if they are abused. Here are a few things you can do to prolong the life of your custom beads...

Get a bead box, and use it. If your beads are rollin' around in the bottom of your pack or bag with your pliers and nippers and other fishing paraphernalia, they are much more likely to be scratched and damaged than if they are in a nice, safe bead box. As a bonus, bead boxes also provide a safe nest for your hooks, shot, and pegs, so those don't end up in every nook and cranny of your fishing bag.

 知っておくべき最も大事なことは、その色塗り過程でGuide Model, TroutFood,そしてMetal Magnetビーズに対して惜しみなく与えられた愛情と注意、そして、塗り仕上げのコーティングが綺麗に適用されたことを、我々のチームが確認する特別な管理をもってしても、もし不適切に扱ったら、色塗りビーズのすべては欠けるだろう。我々は硬質の特別仕上げをしているが、もし雑に扱うなら欠けを防止できないかもしれない。ここにカスタムビーズを長持ちさせるための方法を2・3の示す。

ビーズボックスを手に入れ、使え。ビーズがパックやバッグの底で、ニッパーやペンチ、道具類と一緒にごちゃごちゃになっているなら、素敵で安全なビーズボックスに入れているよりも、キズやダメージを受けてしまう。おまけとして、ビーズボックスはフック、ショット、ペグ用の仕切りがあり、すべてが釣り用バッグの隅々に収まる(every nook and cranny)。



For Trout and char, fish lighter weights. Getting down is typically the name of the game when beading for  trout, but pounding and clanking on the bottom all day isn't absolutely necessary (or desirable) in many situations. We like to fish a leader that is about 1.2X longer (to the weight) than the deepest portion of the run we are in - an adjustable indicator is a pretty good tool to get us to that number. For weight, we use the smallest shot we can get away with so the lead touches down every so often in the run. As an added bonus with this rig, your indicator doesn't hop and bounce all over the place...that is, until a trout inhales your bead.

鱒とチャーには軽いオモリで釣れ。ビーズで鱒釣りしているとき、姿勢を伏せることが肝心(the name of the game)だ。いつもバッグの底でガチャガチャ音を立てる必要はまったく無い。我々は深い流れよりも1.2Xのリーダで釣るのが好きだ。調整可能なインディケータは、数を釣るためにいいツールだ。オモリについては川の流れで鉛が接触するように、やってのけることが出来る最小のショットを使う。この仕掛けにおまけを加えることで、インディケータは川底でバウンドしなくなる。そう、鱒がビーズを吸い込むまでは。




For Steelhead, fish your beads on a short-leader rig. Steelhead will move quite a ways to take an offering if they are in the mood, so why bang your beads on the bottom all day? Unlike fishing for trout with beads, steelhead aren't feeding on spawn, so the bead doesn't have to be in the "magic foot" on the bottom to catch fish. Rock-thumpin' is the number-one cause of most bead damage, and with the short-leader rig, you can fish your bead above those nasty, paint-chippin' rocks and STILL catch fish.




Roll cast often. The number-two cause of most bead damage is whackin' your bead on something hard (trees, boat gunwales, high banks, your buddy's head) during the backcast. You can alleviate this with a roll cast in most every situation. Another one of  the advantages of short-leader and light-weight rigs is that they come out of the water relatively easy, making roll casting a breeze.

Despite all of the above advice, you will probably chip a custom bead sooner or later...Relax. It isn't the end of the world.




What to do if your bead gets a finish-chip. Take a look at your bead every once in a while to make sure it is both positioned correctly on your leader, and free of chips...this is especially important after a hang-up or if you do accidentally whack it on something while casting. If it is chipped, change it out for a new bead, but don't just fling the chipped bead in the trash can. You can repair most minor finish cracks and chips if you find them early enough - that is, before a lot of water-slippage occurs behind the finish. Put the damaged bead in a dry place where it won't get jostled around and lose more finish, then touch it up with some clear nail polish when you get them home and dry. This will keep the bead-finish from cracking more and allow you to get a few extra days out of it. As an added bonus, the application of clear nail polish often melts the original finish of your custom bead, making for a very "organic" looking egg - not a bad thing.

ビーズ仕上げの欠片を使うと、何がイイか。ビーズがリーダのちゃんとした位置にあるか、チップが自由か確かめるために、ときどき(once in a while)、ビーズをちょっとチェックせよ。特に、引っかかたり(hang-up)、キャスト中に何かで偶然打ち付けたなら、これは重要だ。もしビーズが欠けたのなら、新しいものに交換しなさい。でも、ゴミ箱に欠けたビーズを捨てるな。もし、たくさんの水の摩耗が塗り仕上げの裏側に起きているなら、大半のマイナーなヒビや欠けは修理できる。傷んだビーズを乾いた場所に置き、ビーズを押しつけ、塗装の仕上げを剥がせ。クリアーネールを塗り、乾かせ。これで欠けから塗装仕上げが保護され、数日は短縮できる。ボーナスとして、透明ネール液はカスタムビーズの元の塗装を溶かし、非常に有機的魚卵になる。悪くはない。



So get yourself a bead box, practice up on that roll cast, and don't put on too much lead. Also, it helps if you have a "glasses and fake moustache" disguise when you go shopping for clear polish in the "Nail Care" aisle of your local market...



Now get out there and catch some fish.


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