
Situk River for Spring Steelhead

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Rodman's Revenge brings huge metal heads to the bank on the Situk River. This is the name I've given to one of the Situk's most effective flies. The colorful, flamboyant, and often controversial NBA star always comes to mind when I start tying these simple but effective Situk slayers. The pinks, blues, oranges, and purples I use are strikingly similar to the hair style of the former world champion. The simple flies are nothing more then a dime sized multicolored ball of yarn on a hook. If you look close, most of the local guides on the river will have something resembling the "Rodman." You won't find these in your standard fly shop so you may have to break out your vise and get busy or bribe your friend to tie some for you. I recommend that everyone heading down to the Situk this spring carry an ample supply.
 Rodman's Revenge(ロッドマンの復習)フライはSituk川の岸辺に沢山のスティ-ルヘッドを連れてくる。私は、Situk川で最も有効なフライの1つとして、こう名前を付けた。タイイングが簡単で、Situkで有効な殺し屋を捲くとき、いつもカラフルで派手な話題のNBAスターが心に浮かぶ。私か使うピンク、ブルー、オレンジ、そして紫色の素材は、前世界チャンピオンのヘアースタイルと本当に似ている。この単純なフライはフックに付けられた10セント・サイズのヤーンの多色ボール以上の何物でも無い。もし手にとって近くで見ると、地元のガイドの大半はRodmanフライに似たフライを持っていることだろう。行きつけのフライショップでこのフライを見ないかも知れない。だから、フライを巻くために忙しくなったり、友達にフライを巻かせたくなるだろう。この春、Situkへ行く人はみんなこれを十分準備することを勧めた。
Conditions on the river in mid-April 2003: The water is very low and clear and the fish are ultra wary and often spooked out of their lies giving you just a glimpse of movement as they darted for cover. We worked the river wading very slowly upstream along the river's edge, patiently concentrating and combing beneath the water's surface for any signs of holding fish. I liken this to hunting fish, and for me also adds a dynamic to clear water fishing that heightens the steelhead experience. I generally cast to any variance in water color. Look for schools of fish in slack water, particularly in the tail end of large pools with cut river banks or tree cover. This spring has been extremely mild and dry in Yakutat. The banks are free from snow and hiking along the river is easy. Try hiking upstream from the nine mile bridge or downstream to the forest service cabin approx 3 miles down river. Most of the fish are concentrated in the upper half of the river in early to mid April. I landed six fish using the Rodman, one on a green butt skunk, a one on a black egg sucker. The dark colors seem to work better when the fish were spooked or in the heat of the day.
2003年4月中旬の川の状態:水位は非常に低く水質はクリアーだ。魚はかなり神経質になっていて、魚が身を隠すために素早く動くと、ヒラとした動きで隠れ家が脅かされしまう。我々は川辺沿いに上流へ歩いた。魚が居着いているサインを忍耐強く水面下を集中して探しながら、非常にゆっくりウェーディングして行った。魚を探すためにこの方法が好きだ。またスティールヘッドの経験を豊かにするであろうクリアーな水域での釣りに活動力を加える。クリアーウォータでは、通常どのような水面の変化にもキャストする。緩流では群れた魚を探す。特に、土手の張り出しや木陰のある大きなpoolの尾の終端を探す。この春のヤクタット村の天候は、極端に穏やかで湿度が低い。川の土手は雪がなく、川に沿って歩くことは簡単だ。9マイル橋から上流へか、3マイル下流の森林サービスの小屋へ歩いて見よう。魚の大部分は4月中旬の始めには川の上流半分に集まっている。私はRodmanで6匹、緑のbutt skunkで1匹、黒のegg suckerで1匹釣った。魚が脅えているか、暖かい日には、地味な色のフライがより効果的のように思える。
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Fly rods in the 7 to 8 weight range are perfect for this river, and believe me, the fish get huge in this system and you'll wish you had more if you hook into one of those monster 20 plus pounders.
(Guides Secret) Try using straight monofilament (12 lb. Maxima Chameleon works great) on your fly reel instead of standard fly lines. The brackish tint of the line blends perfectly with the stained water of the Situk and works surprisingly well. Also, multicolored yarn flies "Dennis Rodmans" produce a lot of steelies in this fishery. I tie them in orange, pink, white, chartreuse, and purple on a # 2 hook. Switch to dark flies like black egg suckers when the bite slows or in the heat of the day.
(ガイドの秘密)フライラインの代わりにモノフィラメント(12lb. Maxima Chameleonが素晴らしい)を使って見ろ。ラインの brackish tint色はSitukのstained waterでは完璧に調和し、驚くほど上手くいく。また、多色のヤーンフライ、Dennis Rodmansがここのスティールヘッドに効果的だ。#2フックにオレンジ、ピンク、白、チャートリュース、紫ヤーンで巻く。アタリが減ったときや日中、黒egg suckerのようなダークフライに交換せよ。
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The MIDDLE three-mile section of the seven-mile long Situk River upstream of the Nine Mile Bridge is closed to sport fishing by regulation on April 15th until midnight May 15th.

Special Note:
The river is becoming harder to fish for the do-it-yourselfer nowdays - at least from a drift boat. The US Forest Service has nine permitted outfitters and guides on the Situk River. They are each permitted a certain number of "boat days" for use on the Situk each year. The total number of days permitted varies depending upon the particular outfitter and guide. For each boat day, one boat with 3 clients is allowed to float the Situk. Every outfitter or guide service can provide either outfitting (rent and shuttle boat to and from the river for the anglers) or fully guided service providing the guide, boat, shuttle service and gear.

For a permitted outfitter and guide, a "boat day" is more economically valuable to them as a "guided day" than a rented boat "outfitted day." So, they may not be as willing to use their valuable boat days for outfitting; they save them for fully guided trips. Finding a permitted outfitter to provide you with the service of boat shuttling may be difficult because they are choosing not to provide you this service, not because the Forest Service doesn't allow them to do it.
Some lodges no longer do drop off fishing and many have increased their prices for their rental boats. Call ahead for information and prices.
Spring in Yakutat is also a killer time for saltwater King Salmon staging in the bay as well as barndoor sized halibut. If you get the chance, spend a least one day on the salt and max out your baggage weight with some fine eating to take back home.
Brian Steele Situk 4/13/03

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