
Accessing the Situk River



Nine Mile Bridge/Campground/Situk River Trails(9マイル橋/キャンプ場/トレイル)

The Nine Mile Boat Launch and Campsites are located where Forest Highway 10 crosses the Situk River nine miles east of Yakutat.  From this site anglers can launch a boat to float downstream, hike and fish along one of the trails that depart from the area, or camp at one of 6 tent platforms located at the campground.  Restroom facilities, a picnic shelter, and parking are also available at the site. 
  Across from the campground on the east side of the river, trails lead up and downstream.  The upstream trail is short and goes only a half mile to the confluence of the main river and the Westfork tributary.  Anglers should watch out for redds (gravel beds where fish lay eggs) and spawning fish in this area.  To protect spawning fish, a closed area is located two miles above the Nine Mile Campground.  This section of river extends for two miles and is closed to all fishing for most for the steelhead season.          

  The downstream trail system is more extensive.  This trail follows the river for a mile then turns inland, crosses the Old Situk, and returns to the river at the Forest Service’s Eagle and Raven Cabins.  Along the way a spur trail leads to a popular fishing spot at the confluence of the Situk and Old Situk Rivers.  Another spur continues downstream past the cabins for another half mile.  Hiking this trail requires fording the Old Situk River, so waders are necessary.  An ATV trail also connects the lower portion of this trail with FH10.  ATV travel through the Old Situk River is not permitted. 




下流域のトレイルはもっと広範囲で、このトレイルは橋から1マイル川沿いを走っていて、その後、内陸に曲がり、そして支流Old Situkを横切り、森林サービスのEagleとRavenキャビンで本流に戻る。寄り道で、トウヒのトレイルは本流とOld Situkの合流点にある人気の釣り場へ進む。もう1つのトウヒは、1/2マイルでキャビンを越えて下流に進む。このトレイルを歩くためにはOld Situkを渡るためウェダーが必要だ。ATV(All Terrain Vehicle)トレイルがこのトレイルと森林10号道路が下流で接続している。Old Situkを通ったATVの旅行は許可されていない。


The Lower Landing(下流のボート搬出場)

The lower Situk River is accessible from the terminus of Lost River Road.  Tides bring fresh salmon and steelhead trout to the lower river, making this area very popular.   Anglers have the option of parking at the boat landing at the end of the Lost River Road and hiking upstream, or parking at the Maggie John Trailhead and hiking into the Situk River along the trail.   The Maggie John Trail extends for about three miles upstream along the west bank of the Situk River.  This area is subject to tidal flow from the nearby estuary, so consult a tide table for optimum fishing at the lower landing.

  In recent years several native allotments have been granted along the lower Situk River. This means some of the land around the mouth of the river is privately owned and camping is prohibited in these areas.  Look out for signs, be informed, and be respectful of private lands.

Situkの下流域へはLost River道路の終端からアクセス出来る。干満は下流域にフレッシュなサーモンとスティールヘッドを連れてきて、大変人気がある。Lost 川道路の終端のボート搬出場所に駐車して、上流へ歩くか、「Maggie John」トレイルの入口に駐車してトレイル沿いにSitukを歩くことができる。Maggie JohnトレイルはSitukの西側土手沿いに上流約3マイルまで延びている。このエリアは河口近くから干満に影響を受ける。だから、一番いい釣り方は干満時刻表をチェックすることだ。

Situk Lake(Situk湖)

Anglers can also hike the Situk Lake Trail to access Situk Lake, Mountain Stream, and the upper Situk River.  This three mile trail begins at the end of Road 9955.  Road 9955 or the East Gate Road begins just under two miles east of Nine Mile Bridge on Forest Highway 10.  This area is not plowed and may not be accessible in the spring.  A spur trail connects the Situk Lake Trail with FH10 a few hundred yards past the bridge; however, this trail receives little use and can be difficult to follow.  Bring a GPS and be able to use it. 

There is a Forest Service cabin at the end of the Situk Lake Trail.  From the Situk Lake Cabin, anglers can continue along the Mountain Lake Trail and fish along Mountain Stream.  Other possibilities include hiking or paddling around the lake and fishing the upper Situk River below its outlet.  Situk Lake is also accessible by float plane.

釣り人はSituk湖、Mountain Stream、Situk川の上流域へアクセスするためにSituk湖トレイルを歩くことが出来る。この3マイルトレイルは道路9955の終端から始まっている。道路9955か、East Gate道路は森林10号道路の9マイル橋から東へ2マイル以下から始まっている。このエリアは除雪されないので、春はアクセス出来ない。森林のトレイルは9マイル橋を過ぎて数百ヤード(数十Km)で森林10号道路とSituk Lakeトレイルが接続されているが、ほとんど使われないので通るのは難しい。GPSを持って行き、それを使え。

Situk湖トレイルの終端に森林サービスの小屋がある。この小屋から釣り人はMountain Lakeトレイル沿いに進むことができ、Mountaion Streamに沿って釣りができる。他の可能性は湖周辺の探索、カヌー、Situk湖のアウトレット下のSituk川上流での釣りだ。Situk Lakeへは水上飛行機でもアクセス出来る。


Floating the River(川下り)

One of the most popular options for anglers visiting the Yakutat Ranger District is a day float of the Situk River. Anglers can launch boats at Nine Mile Bridge and float the 13 miles to the lower landing. There are several ways to pursue this option: going with a guide authorized to operate on the Situk River in a drift or jet boat, renting a drift boat from a local lodge, or bringing your own inflatable raft, kayak or other paddle craft.

  There are some important considerations implicit in any float trip on the Situk River. There is no road access between the put-in and take-out on the river.  It is a short drive from town, but once you launch your boat, help or rescue quickly gets farther away.  The water is cold enough to cause hypothermia even in July. You should bring all the appropriate safety equipment for any Alaskan river float. If you don’t know what that entails, then you should consider making your first trip down the Situk River with an experienced guide.

  The Situk River displays a fairly wide range of flow conditions. The Situk River flow can range from less than 100 cubic feet per second (cfs) to over 1,000 cfs throughout the season.  If the river is flowing at less than 100 cfs, then be prepared for a long float with the possibility of some strenuous dragging of your boat.  Even at moderate and high flows, floating the Situk River is at least a six hour trip. It is very easy to get sidetracked fishing or lingering in the upper river and then return to the lower landing very late. A good measure to keep in mind while you float is that you should pass the Eagle and Raven Cabins about a third of the way into your planned day.  While the Situk River has no traditional white water, there are many tree snags, sweepers, and strainers along the length of the river. These are especially hazardous during high flows.

ヤクタット Ranger Districtを訪れる釣り人の最も人気の選択肢はSituk川の1日掛けた川下りだ。9マイル橋からボートを搬入し、下流域まで13マイル下る。これを実現するための選択肢はいくつかある。ドリフトボートかジェットボートでSitukを下る認定されたガイドと一緒に行く、地元のロッジでドリフトボートを借りる、自分のインフレータブルボート、カヤック、その他を持ち込むことだ。



Situk川は幅広い川の状態を露呈する。シーズンを通して、水量は100cfs(cubic feet per second)以下から1000cfsまでと幅広い。もし、状態が100cfs以下ならボートを引っ張る可能性があり、長い川下りの用意が必要だ。穏やかで水位がある場合でも、Situkの川下りは少なくとも6時間かかる。上流域では寄り道しながらの釣りやぶらぶらした釣りが簡単にでき、かなり遅い時間に下流域のボート搬出場に到着する。川下りの間に留意すべき目印となる場所は、川下り全体の1/3の位置にあるEagleとRavenの2つの小屋だ。Situk川は決して従来の急流ではないが、沢山の木のsnags(障害物)やsweeper、ゴミの塊がある。特に、水位が高いときの川下りには冒険的だ。

Cabins, Campsites and Camping(小屋、キャンプ場、キャンピング)

For those anglers who don’t mind sacrificing comfort to be closer to the fish, there are several options to spend the night along the Situk.

  Three Forest Service rental cabins offer a warm, dry place to stay along the Situk River.  Located a little over three miles downstream from Nine Mile Bridge, the Eagle and Raven Cabins are especially popular with anglers seeking to extend a day float down the river into a multi-day excursion.  The Situk Lake Cabin can usually only be accessed in the late spring, summer, and fall.

  It is also possible to camp along the Situk River.  There are six campsites with tent platforms and fire rings around Nine Mile Bridge.  Camping around Nine Mile Bridge is limited to these designated sites only.  Groups are only allowed to stay at campsites for two weeks at a time.  There are many good campsites located along the length of the Situk River between the boat launches.  Camping within 50 feet of the high-water line of the river is prohibited. This means no camping on gravel bars.  Remember a good campsite is found, not made.  It should not be necessary to cut vegetation to create a new site.  Please follow Leave No Trace principles and camping in bear country practices while on the river.    




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