
The Steelhead Rules

The Steelhead Rules(スティールヘッド釣りの約束事)

by Tom "T.J." Nelson

Each and every sport has a set of rules and steelheading is no different. In football for instance you are penalized yardage for various rule infractions. Steelhead however, impose much more severe sanctions: Break their rules and they will not even let you play! The following general “rules” are a suggested course of action designed to get you into steelhead more consistently. Bend them, adapt them into your specific plans & places, but don’t break ‘em….the penalties can be painful…


1. Learn to read water (川を読むことを学べ)
Easily the single most important facet of the education of a river fisherman is learning to read water. I define reading water as: The learned ability to observe a body of water and subsequently predict where fish will be found. By learning to identify high-probability areas we eliminate large, unproductive sections of river. This enables us to concentrate our fishing efforts on the productive runs, which increases our chances of success.

川釣りの学習で最も重要な要素は川を読むことを学ぶことだ。私は「川を読む」を次のように定義する。川の主部を観察できる学習した能力、結果的には魚がいる場所を予測できる能力だ。高い確率で釣れるエリアを見つけることを学ぶことで、魚がいない川の大部分の区間を除去できる。これで、釣れる可能性が増す魚がいる場所に注意を集中させることができる。2. Fish the edges.(縁を釣れ)These three little words uttered to the Author many years ago by an experienced guide have had a tremendous impact upon my steelheading success. Once you’ve attained a basic understanding of reading water you will encounter edges. Edges can be areas of current break, depth change, structure influence or light contrast (shading). Simply stated, edges separate an area of steelhead holding water or cover from a section of less desirable water. Once a steelhead enters a “comfortable” holding area he’s taking a break for a while and quite often will not go much farther than just inside the edge. Put yourself in his fins for a minute: Let’s say you’re hot & tired from honey-do’s in the sun and heading into the shade for a rest. There’s a large shaded area with two chairs: one is just inside the shade and one is in the middle. One more thing…You don’t want the wife to catch you loafing in the shade. Now, where are you gonna sit?


3. Select a section of river near your home and learn it like the back of your hand.(自分の家の近くの川を選び、学習尽くせ)
In most of Steelhead country we are fortunate to have a variety of steelhead streams from which to choose. Pick a river close to home so that you’ll have the opportunity to visit it often. Make a point of observing your “crick” in all stream flows but in times of low water in particular. It is in the seasonal low flows of late summer and early fall that the classroom is open. This is the time to learn the location of the troughs, holes, boulders and stream bed current breaks that cannot be observed when the water is higher. Note their location and then observe the surface disturbance that results from these features. What creates a slick? What creates a riffle? What causes that standing wave? The answers to these questions can all be seen at low water and the knowledge gleaned from these experiences form the basis of learning to read water.


4. Become a technique specialist(技術的専門家になれ)
It only takes a quick walk through the tackle shop to notice the dizzying array of gear available to today’s steelheader. While the ever-increasing diversity of gear and techniques is a boon to experienced anglers, to the novice it becomes difficult to see the forest through the trees. What the veteran steelheader would view as different solution to a fishing challenge, just adds another confusing piece to the novices’ puzzle. To become an expert at all the available techniques would take more time than the Good Lord gives us on this planet. Many steelheaders find it hard to specialize when they see other guys catching fish on lures that they don’t have. Then, they make a mad rush to the tackle shop to buy these rigs for their next outing. As a result, they soon have every lure in the tackle shop and they don’t know how to use any of them. So, what’s a guy (or girl) to do? Pick one or two techniques, stick with them and become a specialist. I would suggest standard drift fishing gear with eggs or shrimp and learning to backtroll plugs. These two techniques will allow you to have the flexibility to tackle most of the river conditions that you will face in the course of an average season.

そのためには、現在スティールヘッダーが利用できる目も眩みようなディスプレイされた釣具に目が留まるように、釣具屋をざっと通ることだ。絶え間なく増加する釣具と技術は熟練の釣り人に役立つが、初心者には木を通って森林をみることを困難にする。ベテランのスティールヘッダが釣りの冒険に対して違った解決策を見ることは、ちょうど、初心者のパズルに他の混乱するピースを加えることだ。あらゆる技術の熟練者になるためにはこの惑星で「ああ」と発するよりも時間がかかる。彼らが持っていないルアーで他の人が釣っているのを見たとき、多くのスティールヘッダーはそれを専門化することは困難だ。これらは次の遠征のためにこれらの仕掛けを買いに釣具店に大勢駆け込みことになる。その結果、釣り具屋であらゆるルアーを手にするが、使い方を知らないことになる。だから、我々は何をすべきか?1つか2つ技術をとりあげ、自分のものにすると、専門家になる。わたしは、エッグかシュリンプを使ったドリフトボートの釣りで、backtroll plugを学ぶことを提案する。この2つの方法は、平均的シーズンであるほとんどの川の状態で適用可能だ。

5. Fish “Prime Time”(最盛期を釣れ)
Each and every stream has its own distinct peak fishing periods in terms of both fish run timing and optimum flow level. When these two conditions coincide, you guessed it: It’s “Prime Time”. These are the times to call in sick, sneak out of that family engagement, slip out the back, Jack and go catch a stee-lee.

In general terms, after any high water period, the rivers will drop and recede into that dialed-in green color. When this happens during the peak of the hatchery run (usually two weeks either side of Christmas) get out on the river at all costs. The bottom line: If your wife isn’t mad at you, you’re just not fishing enough.

どの川にも、遡上時期と川の最高の流れについて、その明確な釣り時期というものがある。この2つが一致したとき、(最高の釣り時刻) Prime Timeと推察する。それは病欠の電話をして家族との約束をこっそり抜け出し、裏口から出てスティールヘッドを釣りに行く時なのだ。水位の高い期間の後、一般論としては、川は水位を下げ、徐々にdialed-inの緑色に変わっていく。これが、放流魚の遡上ピーク(クリスマス前後の2回)の間にあったとき、絶対に川へ出掛けろ。要点:もし君の妻が怒っていないのなら、十分な釣りをしていない。

6. High rivers: fish high in the system. Low rivers: low in the system.(水位が高い時、上流で釣れ。水位が低い時は、下流で釣れ)

After the aforementioned high water, where does the hungry steelheader look for dinner? Up high in the system of course. This is somewhat of a no-brainer in that these areas will be the first to drop in to fishing shape but the second part of the equation needs to be discussed. High water is a green light to migrating salmonids. The low visibility of the river at these times allows the fish to feel safe and so they will travel almost non-stop night and day. During low water however, the reverse is true. The near-unlimited visibility of the clear river will cause the fish to seek cover during the daylight hours and so will not move up river as rapidly. Therefore, when the upriver areas begin to get a little stale as the water drops, look to the lower (just above tide water) to middle river holes for bright, aggressive fish just in from the saltwater.


7. High visibility-high speed. Low visibility-low speed.(流れ透明なら速く、不透明ならゆっくり)
When the river is clear the visual attraction of your terminal gear is at its highest. Since the steelhead can see your gear at increased distances and will move to pick up your bait or lure, this is the time for presentations at or near current speed . Fishing at the speed of the current (drift fishing or boondoggling, free drifting) allows you to cover the most water in the shortest period of time. However, during periods of reduced visibility, slower presentations such as backtrolling or floats & jigs can be more effective since the lure will stay in the strike zone for a longer period of time. Slowing down your lure allows the steelhead more opportunity to locate and intercept your offering at a time when a faster presentation might just whiz by unnoticed.

水質がクリアなら、ライン終端の誘引物は高かめにセットせよ。スティールヘッドは遠くからでも釣具が見えることになるので、餌やルアーを喰いに移動するだろう。これは、水流と同じか近い速度でプレゼンテーションする時期である。水速での釣り(ドリフト釣り、Boon-Dogging釣り、free drifting釣り)で、短い時間で大半の水面をカバーできる。しかし、水の透明度が落ちている時期ではbacktrollingや浮き+ジグのような、よりゆっくりしたプレゼンテーションが効果的だ。と言うのは、ルアーが長い時間ストライクゾーンに留まるので。より速いプレゼンテーションは気付かれないでびゅーっと飛ぶので、ルアーをスローダウンさせることはスティールヘッドにもっと定位し、同時にルアーの流れを邪魔する機会を増やす。

8. Get a boat.(ボートを使え)
Without question, you can cover more water in a boat than you can on foot. Not only does this translate in to more fish but it also brings another dimension to the fishing experience. From a boat you’ll learn more about a stretch of river in a single day than you would in an entire season from the bank. Do you fish freshwater exclusively? Then a driftboat might just be the ticket. Are you a saltwater angler as well? A forward helm North River Sportster will do double duty on the rivers as well as the Sound. Does duck season find you on the marshes with dog and decoys? North River makes a great six-degree bottom Scout that’s a fine river sled that can double as a duck boat. Whatever your choice, hook up with the guys at Bayside Outboard in Everett or Tacoma North River. With North River dealers you will find the expert advice you need to make the smart hull and rigging choices that will maximize your fishing effectiveness and enjoyment.

疑問なく、丘釣りよりもボート釣りは水域の広い範囲をカバーできる。もっと釣りたいだけでなく、釣りの世界に新しい次元をもたらす。岸からだと全シーズン必要な経験も、ボートからだとたった1日で一筋の川の流れについてもっと学べるだろう。君は淡水だけで釣ったことがあるか?そこではドリフトボートは丁度チケットになるだろう。同じく、君は海釣りかい?North River Sportsterボートは湾よりも2倍の仕事を為す。

9. You can’t catch ‘em if you don’t jerk.(グイと引かなければ、釣りことは出来ない)All things being equal, the guy who has “the touch” will catch the most fish. Simply stated “the touch” is the ability to maintain the correct tension on your line so you readily recognize the bite and then set the hook at the right time. Getting “the touch” comes with experience and there is no substitute for time on the water. However, I can offer a few tips to help you along.

全ての条件が同じだとすると、いい手の感触(the touch)を持つ人は一番の魚を釣るだろう。簡単に言うと、この感触はラインのテンションを正しく保つ能力で、魚のアタリを何なく認識でき、タイミング良くフッキングできる。この能力を得るためには経験が必要で、川で経験を積む必要がある。しかし、役立つアドバイスをあげよう。

Tension: never let your line go completely slack. Slack is the “feel” killer and if you cannot feel the bite the deck is stacked against you. The one exception to this is bobber fishing. Your bobber is then the strike indicator and what you are essentially doing is sight fishing. The other tension extreme is keeping the line so tight that you lose bottom contact which also decreases your effectiveness. Find that happy medium and you’ll be making some ironheads very unhappy.

テンション:ラインを完全に緩めるな。ラインの緩みは触覚をダメ(“feel” killer)にし、もし、バイトが分からないなら不利な状況になる(the deck are stacked against you)。1つの例外は浮き釣り(bobber fishing)だ。浮きはアタリの目印になり、基本的にはサイトフィッシングをしていることになる。もう1つのテンションはラインをしっかり張りすぎて、川底とのコンタクトを失い、釣りの効率を下げてしまうことだ。中ぐらいの張りを見つければ、スティールヘッドを不幸にするだろう。

The bite: recognizing the bite is simply a matter of growing accustomed to the rhythm of the drift as your sinker tangos down the riverbed. Imagine someone pulling on your hook two or three times with a rubber band in addition to the river bottom rhythm and you’ve got a bite!


The hook set: This should be a matter of pride to any self-respecting steelheader. Just like the golfer who enjoys out-driving his regular foursome on Saturday morning, you should strive to have the nastiest hook set on the crick. The air should absolutely be ripped by your rod when you feel a bite. After all, you can’t catch ‘em if you don’t jerk.


10. Fish the best times in the areas that you know best. (Home field advantage)知っている地域で、イイ時期に釣れ。
This is rule #3 plus rule #5. The whole concept is greater than the sum of its parts, so it gets to be rule #10 (I was never very good at math anyway). Once you’ve picked your crick you’ll eventually find out when the fish are in thick and this is when you’ll be paid off for all of your hard work. By bringing all your local knowledge to bear when the fish are plentiful you’ll be the ace for the day and that my friends, is very rewarding.


11. Invest in your sport and get involved with an organization.(スポーツに投資し、組織に係われ)These days no matter what type of fishing you like to do, there is probably a group, club, or organization that will satisfy your needs. I would heartily encourage you to do an internet search and find one of these groups. Not only will you be meeting a like-minded group of people but you’ll likely gain valuable fishing information from other members. In addition, many fishing groups are actively involved in fisheries and habitat enhancement programs which is the best way to give a little back to the resource. One thing I know you’ll find out: the more you give the more you’ll get back in return.


For a quality guided experience contact Tom Nelson at Skagit River Outfitters. (www.fishskagit.com) Email: tom@fishskagit.com  

Steelhead University is a division of Salmon University.
All content of this site is ©2004-2006 Steelhead University, unless otherwise noted.

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