How To’s:Beads/Flies for the Situk April/May
Chasing steelhead on the Situk is prime the last week of April thru the first tree weeks of May. Go to patterns include Dolly Llama #2 in black/white, pink/purple, pink/white, pink/black, pink/steelhead blue and black/red. Other really really good patterns include Steelhead Glo Bugs #2 (Garcia, pink/chartreuse, purple/chartreuse and orange,) Fish Emission Eggs #6 (salmon egg, trans pink, OR cheese and flame #4,) Liquid Wrench (red/orange, fuchsia/pink,) and 907 Leech or LE Egg Sucking Leech. If these patterns are not found on our site or are temporarily out of stock, please check with us. Often we will be getting fresh stock through out the late winter and early spring.
Situk川のスティールヘッド釣りのピークは3月の中旬から4月の最終日までだ。白・黒,ピンク・紫,ピンク・黒,ピンク・青,黒・赤のDolly Liama #2を試せ。他の当たりパターンはGlo Bug #2(Garcia, ピンク・チャートリュース,紫・チャートリュース,オレンジ)だ。
Beads are evermore gaining popularity among steelheaders and can be deadly on the Situk. The best sizes and colors are often dictated by weather and water conditions. General rule is to fish big in high and off colored water and go smaller when the conditions clear and drop. Go to colors are pinks, reds and oranges, but don't count out blues and chartreuses. When steelhead see lots stuff on the warm side of the color scale, going to the opposite side can be deadly. I often find myself fishing more solid/opaque beads during dark and cloudy days and more translucent/transparent on brighter days. There are some really good beads that have a lighter degree of opacity/translucency (cloudy) that can be dynamite too. Check out our Guide Model Steelhead Beads. Here you will find lots of the beads/colors that we like to fish. Most of these beads are offered only in one or two of the larger sizes (10mm, 12mm, 14mm.) Guide Model Trout Beads which are offered in 6mm and 8mm can be good for when the water gets lower (Dark Roe, Tangerine, Ruby are good!). Lastly Mottled Beads and Glow Beads have some really good colors that come in size 6-14mm. Most of the beads in our Steelhead Bead Selection come from these last two categories.
ビーズはスティールヘッダーの間で人気が出てきており,Situk川では致命的だ。最前のサイズと色が天候と川の状態と共に,時々口伝えされている。一般的なルールは水位が高く濁っているときには大きいサイズを使い,水位が低く透明度が高い場合は小さ目を使えだ。色はピンク,赤,オレンジを使え。しかし,青,チャートリュースの色は外すな(外す:count out)。スティールヘッドが暖かめの色のビーズを見ているときに,反対色を使うことは致命的になるだろう。私は曇り空で暗い日に,中の詰まった不透明なビーズで度々釣れ,晴れた日は透明感のあるビーズが効果的だったことを知っている。輝くようで,明るい不透明(opacity)・半透明(translucency)で実に効果的なビーズがある。我々のサイトGuide Model Steelhead Beadsを見て。そこには釣りたくなるようなたくさんのビーズがある。それらのビーズの大半は10mm, 12mm, 14mmの1つか2つが売られている。6mmと8mmサイズのGuide Model Trout Beadsは水位が低い時,効果がある(Dark Rose, Tangerine, Ruby色がいい)。最後にMottled Beads と Glow Beads はサイズ6-14mmが効果的だ。スティールヘッド用ビーズはこの2つからなっている。
Best of luck out fishing!
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