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Now that I've moved to the northwest, I have the pleasure of fishing for steelhead during six months of the year. In this first steelhead post, I will take you through the equipment and methods I use, at least while nymphing. In future posts I will share my four most reliable steelhead nymphs, the basic approach and angle I take for each potential holding lie, and tips on steelhead biology and behavior that can help you plan the timing of a trip as well as the water you target.
This last fall I started spey fishing, which I have really enjoyed, but when the water temperatures drop and steelhead are less willing to move to the fly, the reliable way to target them is with nymphs. Even when swinging conditions are ideal, it is likely you will still catch more steelhead with nymphs than on the swing. However, having experienced it myself quite a few times this season, there is definitely something special about the spey cast and the tight line grab of a steelhead. I already look forward to future seasons of temporarily infiltrating the Fellowship of the Swing. However, I suppose I'm still childishly impatient because I’m not the kind of angler who is willing to spend hours or days fishing a method I know is not likely to produce when I know another will.
ボクは昨年の秋からスペイ(spey)・フィッシングを始め、本当に楽しんできた。でも水温が下がったとき、スティールヘッドがフライに向かわなくなると、頼りになる釣り方は「ニンフ」だ。スイング(ウェットフライなど)の状態が理想的な場合でも、スイングよりニンフの方がより釣れそうだ。スペイは今シーズンまだ数回しか使っていないが、スティールヘッドに対するスペイと ミャク釣り(Tight line grab)は明らかに何か特別である。もうボクは「スイングへの共感」に一時的に浸たるこれからのシーズンを楽しみにしている。でも、自分の知っている釣り方が他の釣人にとってはずっと釣りしたいことにならないことをボクは分かっていて、一日中ズーッと釣りをするような人間でないので、ボクは子供並みに忍耐力が無い、と思っている。
ユーロ・ニンフで釣ったMark. Hの最初のスティールヘッド
As with resident trout, European nymphing has been the most reliable and versatile way to target steelhead for me. Switching over from one nymphing method to another for steelhead can be difficult because the opportunities to receive positive reinforcement from your quarry, on technique and choice of flies, are far fewer than on a typical trout stream. Therefore, if Euro-nymphing is foreign to you, it is probably easier to build up confidence Euro-nymphing for trout than it is for steelhead. When I started fishing for steelhead back in 2009, I already had great faith in the effectiveness of Euro-nymphing for trout after a couple of seasons of irrefutable results. So when I joined my friend Scott Berrett on our first trip to the Salmon River in Idaho, it was an easy choice for me to start and stick with Euro-nymphing, and it didn’t take long to experience my first steelhead coming to the net. In the ensuing years I’ve been fortunate enough to have a lot of great steelhead trips and I feel like I’m starting to become familiar with their habits and the most consistent ways to target them. While I’ve written a short 3 part series on Euro nymphing previously (Euro-nymphing 101 parts 1, 2, and 3) and the tactics and the explanations in those posts are essentially transferable, the pursuit of steelhead requires a few adjustments to be consistently successful. Below is some advice on fishing for steelhead.
Most of it applies directly to Euro-nymphing but much of it is applicable to steelhead fishing in general. Almost all of my experience has been with inland summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) except for a few steelhead I caught while in California. Therefore, it may not fully apply to coastal winter run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus). However, in talking with other anglers, winter run steelhead are also susceptible to nymphs, so I assume my advice will be applicable to them as well.
Steelhead Equipment(スティールヘッド用仕掛け)
Rods: Thankfully, longer rods are being built lighter and better these days and more manufacturers and anglers are realizing their benefits. It wasn’t long ago that a well-balanced 6 to 8 weight rod was difficult to find in a length greater than 9 feet. Longer rods will help reach across currents, achieve greater distance from the angler to the fish, and provide more ability to mend at distance if you’re chucking a strike indicator rig. These days, I do all of my steelhead nymphing with 10’ 7 or 8 weight rods. If you are mainly fishing a trout river that gets the odd steelhead, it is possible to land steelhead on lighter tackle, especially in cold water when they are lethargic. I landed a half dozen this winter on a 10’ 6” 3 weight Cortland Competition Nymph Rod and 5x tippet while trying to target trout. They were a nice surprise. However, targeting steelhead with overly light tackle is not advisable, both for the health of a steelhead if you plan to release it (please consider keeping hatchery steelhead for genetic reasons) and for your own hooked to landed ratio.
Reels: Most reels nowadays have drags that are sufficient to stop a steelhead smoothly so that isn’t the most important concern when choosing a reel. To me, finding a reel with the correct balance is the most important facet because longer rods can cause forearm fatigue if they are unbalanced. If the reel is too heavy, your outfit will wear out your shoulder high sticking with it all day long. If it is too light, the rod will feel tip heavy and your forearm will have to work overly hard to stop the rod at the end of a cast and to be able to hold the rod high and steady through the drift. This may sound silly to some of you but I have a unique connection with this problem. I previously spent three years on and off in physical therapy to treat tendonitis caused by earlier heavier rods, which were not balanced well. As a result, there were several years in competitions where a prescription level of ibuprofen was my performance enhancing drug. Therefore, my recommendation is not to brush aside rod and reel balance, especially with rods 5 weight and higher that are 9' 6" or longer.
リール:今日のほとんどのリールは、スティールヘッドをスムーズに対抗できる十分なドラッグ能力を供えている。だからリールの選択でドラッグは重要な要素でない。ボクにとっては正確なバランスを持ったリールが最も重要な要素だ。なぜなら、もしアン・バランスなら、ロッドが長ければ長いほど前腕に疲労を起こすからだ。もしリールがあまりに重いなら、 君の道具は一日中、肩を高く上げている姿勢で疲れ果ててしまうだろう。逆に、もしリールがあまりにも軽いなら、竿先が重く感じ、前腕はキャストの終わりにロッドを止めたり、ドリフト中にロッドを高く安定に支持することが難しくなるでしょう。このことは君たちの誰かには少し馬鹿馬鹿しく聞こえるかも知れないが、ボクはその問題について格別な拘りがある。以前、バランスの悪い初期の重いロッドを振って生じた腱鞘炎を治療するために、理学療法で3年間掛かった。その結果、イブプロピレン(抗炎症剤)の処方が効果をはっきするまでに、数年かかった。それでボクの推奨は、ロッドとリールのバランスを無視しないこと、特に9’6”以上で#5以上のロッドでは。
Leaders, rigs, and fly line: I fish a Tactical Fly Fisher thinnest or thinner leader while Euro-nymphing for steelhead. The smaller diameter butt sections on these two models help me achieve less sag when fishing the increased distances and water depths that often accompany nymphing for steelhead. However, the heavier flies I usually fish make casting very difficult if you are unused to the lack of turnover power that a long Euro-nymph leader exhibits. The heavier flies are also able to counteract some of the horizontal sag and force which gravity tries to induce on your leader, and thereby your drift, when fishing a Euro-nymph rig a ways beyond your rod tip (15+ feet). Therefore, if you are a Euro-nymphing novice, I highly recommend trying a slightly stouter leader configuration like my Tactical Fly Fisher thin leader, with a 20 lb test Maxima Chameleon butt section. It’s still light enough you can achieve dead drifts at a decent distance but the stiffer butt section will make casting a heavy 2-3 fly rig easier.
リーダー、仕掛け、フライライン:ボクはユーロ・ニンフでスティールヘッドを釣るとき、「Tactical Fly Fisher」の2つの細いリーダを使う。このモデルの小さなバット径は距離を出したり、水深のある釣りではラインの弛みを小さくするのに効果がある。これはスティールヘッドのニンフ釣りでしばしば起きることだが。でも、もし君がユーロ・ニンフの長いリーダーを使うために、ターンオーバー力不足に不慣れなら、いつも使う重いフライをキャストすることは難しい。重いフライはまた水平方向の弛みと重力がリーダーに誘発する力を緩和する。それに関しては、15+フィート以上のユーロ・ニンフ仕掛けで釣っているときのドリフトにおいて。それで、君がユーロ・ニンフの初心者なら、20Lbの「Maxima Chameleon」バットセクションと「Tactical Fly Fisher」の細いリーダーの組み合わせを推奨する。相当な距離で、デッド・ドリフトするのに十分に軽い。
A Euro-nymphing leader recipe for steelhead. The butt section varies between 20, 15, and 12 pound test on my thin, thinner, and thinnest models. The dropper tags are simply "waste ends" of the triple surgeon's knots which originate from the leader connected to your rod, not the tippet you are adding.
スティールヘッド用のユーロ・ニンフ・リーダ。ボクの細身、中細、極細リーダのバット・セクションでは20, 15, 12ポンドテストまでの間で変わる。ここでドロッパ用タグは単純にトリプル・サージャント・ノットの端っこだ。ロッドに繋がったリーダから発していて、継ぎ足されたティペットではない。
I always pair my Euro-nymphing rigs with a Cortland level 0.022” Competition Nymph Line. I tie the leaders I sell on the site long enough that you can try to fish a typical fly line and not have it leave the reel very often in order to eliminate the drift and strike detection killing sag that heavy fly line induces in between your guides or beyond your rod tip. However, the tactile grip advantage of having a fly line reduces the possibility of line slipping between your fingers on the hook set, or while playing a fish, and makes stripping in slack much easier. Because steelhead have hard mouths (it’s in their name after all), it can take a significant hook set to penetrate the hook deeply enough to attain a secure hold in their mouth. Using a thin fly line, which you can grip better than a monofilament leader, greatly improves that effort.
ボクは「ユーロ・ニンフ仕掛け」と「Cortland level 0.022"競技用ニンフライン」をいつも1組にしている。サイトで売っているリーダを結ぶが、それは普通のフライラインのように十分長く、重いフライラインがガイド間やロッド・ティップの先で誘発するラインのドリフトとアタリを殺してしまう「たわみ」を取り除くために、ラインをリールにほとんど残さないようにしている。しかし、フライラインがあることによる触感の利点は、アタリのとき、または魚とファイティングのときの指の間で生じるラインの滑り度合いを減少させて、簡単にラインの弛みを取ることができる。スティールヘッドの口は硬い(まったくその名前の通り)ので、フックがしっかり口に刺さったままでいられるように、フックを十分深く口に貫通させれるように、しっかりアタリが取れる。モノフィラメントのリーダーよりも掴みやすいフライラインを使うと、その苦労を大きく改善する。
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The Magneto Stone living up to its name by fooling another steelhead with a Euro-nymphing approach. ユーロ・ニンフでスティールヘッドを騙す、その名の通り(live up to 名前)に動くMagneto Stoneフライ
Steelhead obviously require stouter tippet than your average trout. I generally fish 2x tippet, though if the water is clear and I mainly expect smaller one-salt steelhead, I will drop to 3x for a better sink rate and drift. Because steelhead often hold in fairly deep water and thicker steelhead tippet (2x-3x) sinks much slower than what I normally use for trout (5x-6x), I tend to fish a longer distance between my sighter and first fly for steelhead (5-7 feet) than I would for trout (3-5 feet). As always, this distance should be adjusted based on the depths and velocities of the river you are fishing. It can be adjusted by adding tippet at the tippet ring and then blood knotting to the terminal tippet you already have connected to your flies. If you need to fish shallower water again after adding tippet, simply cut off the tippet at the blood knot junction, remove the added tippet at the tippet ring, and reattach your terminal tippet (the tippet connected to your flies) to your tippet ring. This will reattach your original tippet length, minus the waste incurred while tying the knot. During the fall and winter, when the water is low on my local rivers, I usually fish two flies in all but the deepest pools. When the water rises in late winter and spring, I often add a third fly to attain greater depths and counteract the increasing velocity. Again because of greater depth and tippet size, my steelhead flies are normally tied with 2.8, 3.3, and 3.8mm tungsten beads and a shank full of lead wire on a size 8-12 hook, whereas most of my trout flies are typically tied with 2.3 to 3.3 mm beads and are several hook sizes smaller.
スティールヘッド釣りでは確かに通常の鱒釣りより、丈夫なティペットが必要だ。ボクは一般的に2Xのティペットで釣るが、もし水質がクリアーで小形の1年魚(one-salt)スティールヘッドなら、優れた沈下速度とドリフトを優先させて、ティペットを3Xに下げる。スティールヘッドは結構な深場にしばしば定位していて、より太い2X-3Xのティペットは普通の鱒で使う5X-6Xよりもゆっくり沈下するので、目印とフライの間の長さは鱒釣りで使う3-5フィートより長い5-7フィートのティペットで釣ることが多い。いつもの通り、その長さは水深と流速によって調整するとよい。フライが結ばったティペットの終端に、新しい別のティペットをブロッド・ノットで継ぎ足してその長さを調整するとよい。もし君がティペットを継ぎ足してから、再度浅瀬で釣る必要がある場合、単にブロッド・ノットの接続部で切り、継ぎ足したティペットを取り除けばよい。ノットで無駄になった部分を除いた長さで、元のティペットの長さに再度戻ったことになる。地元の川の水位が下がる秋から冬の間は、深場以外でボクは通常2個掛けのフライで釣り通す。晩冬と春に水位が上がったとき、フライを深く流し、速くなった流速に対抗するために第3のフライを加える。深場とティペットサイズのため、スティールヘッド・フライは通常2.8, 3.3, 3.8mmのタングステン・ビーズと8-12番フックのシャンク部にワイアーを巻いたものを使う。通常の鱒用フライは 2.3, 3.3mmのビーズをつけて巻き、フックサイズはより小型になる。
If you’ve read this post you may be thinking, “well what good is all this steelhead equipment going to do me if you don’t share how to use it?” Don’t despair, in my next post we’ll investigate steelhead biology, holding water, approach, and drift technique with a Euro-nymphing rig.
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This is my kind of dripping wet centerfold. ボクの好きなずぶ濡れ??の見開きページ。
In this post, I will try and give you some insight into my basic approach for targeting steelhead from winter through spring as the water conditions and run progression changes. I assume most readers will have a basic understanding of the anadromous life history of steelhead so I won’t take time to cover it in depth here. As anglers, we are targeting them in the last few months of their life cycle, at least for the vast majority of them that aren’t able to spawn multiple times in the Columbia River basin. In some rivers, angling is allowed up near the spawning areas and fish can congregated and caught in numbers in March and April before they spawn. However, in most of the rivers I fish, I target steelhead in the lower portions of the watersheds they spawn in. Steelhead do not linger in these reaches for long since the primal urge to continue upstream to spawn is unfailing. As a result, one of the challenges is deciding what rivers to fish and at what times.
In addition to checking river flows to help identify when a river is most fishable, one tool for anglers that is available in many of the rivers of the Columbia basin is the network of PIT tag arrays in a myriad of rivers. PIT tags are glass encapsulated microchips that are energized whenever they pass through an electromagnetic field at a certain frequency produced by a PIT tag antenna array. Each tag has a unique ID that is read by antenna array readers so an individual fish can be tracked in near real time as it migrates through dams and past antenna arrays. In the Columbia River basin, the data for the entire network of arrays is housed and accessible at ptagis.org. While I have access to more specific data as a fisheries biologist, the general public can do quick queries to see how many fish are passing arrays as runs of fish progress. The tagging rate will vary by population, but most of the populations generally have somewhere between 7-10% of the fish tagged so one fish passing an array is generally indicative of 10 or more fish passing the array. This is one tool an angler can use to decide when to target a river, especially if you live somewhat locally and don’t have to plan a multi-day excursion far in advance.
While I often check PIT tag arrays as part of my work and for my fishing plans, much can also be gained by paying attention to water flows and simply to dates on the calendar. Take the graph below for an example, which shows the number of detections at a PIT tag array and the discharge vs. date (in 2015) on one of my favorite steelhead rivers. In the late winter, steelhead respond to flow pulse events and the number of migrants passing is clearly correlated with discharge. As the season progresses however, fish which are still migrating toward their natal grounds must finish their journey regardless of flow. In addition to more fish moving through the system in March and early April, the water temperatures rise and the steelhead bite rises correspondingly. Because of precipitation and temperature patterns, each year is different and the timing of peak migration can change. While I generally can find a few fish on any day throughout the run on most rivers from October through early April, peak success tightly correlates to peak passage of fish moving through the reach of river you are fishing.
Once you are on the river, you obviously have to choose where to fish. A lot of people, who have fished for steelhead with me, ask me what types of water I look for when trying to locate steelhead. It may sound silly, but in the end steelhead are large rainbow trout that have gone to the ocean and back. Therefore, if it is the type of water you would expect a large rainbow trout to be sitting in, you can probably expect a steelhead to hold there as well. Deep runs and pools are obvious choices but pocketwater filled with large boulders can be very productive as well as the water warms. Every once in a while I also get a steelhead surprise while fishing shallower water that I expect only resident trout to be in, so it can pay to cover secondary lies especially when the obvious ones aren’t producing. Within the obvious holding water, the specific lies steelhead use will often change based on water temperature. In a run or pool, I find the heads and faster tails are often productive in October through the first cold spell in November and then again from warm spells in late February through the end of the season. Once the water drops below 43-45°F, I usually find steelhead in the deeper slower portions of a run or pool or just as the current begins to pick up in the tailout. Seams of current, where faster water transitions to slower water, are prime locations providing depth and overhead disturbance (cover) as well as energy savings, which can be important when you’ve traveled upriver 700-800 or more miles through eight massive hydro dams.
The shelf dropping into the pool above. The shelf holds fish regularly once the water warms to or past the 43-45 degree Fahrenheit mark.
Furthermore, if you can find a location that provides depth, structure, and moderate current speed that is also above or below a lengthy set of rapids, your odds are increased even further. For instance, the shelf in the side channel in the photo below is sandwiched in between two rapids and the other side of the river is very shallow and fast. On my first visit here a week ago I landed a two steelhead that were likely funneled through this part of the river while migrating upstream.
更に、もし君が、長い急流の上流・下流で、深くて障害物がある穏やかな流れを見つけることができたなら、もっと釣果が期待できることになる。例えば、写真の片側の筋(Channel)の棚(Shelf)は2つの急流 に挟まれていて、川のもう一方側は非常に浅く流れが速い。1週間前に初めて行ったとき、上流へ遡上中で、ここを通過しようとしていた2匹のスティールヘッドを釣り上げた。
A typical channel which steelhead get funneled into as they migrate upstream. The x's mark the spots I hooked steelhead on my last visit. Both were tucked close to underwater boulders.スティールヘッドは上流へ遡上するとき、集まってくる典型的な川筋(channel)。「x」の印は前回訪れてスティールヘッドを釣り上げたスポット。両方のスポット近くには水中に岩がある。
Obviously, finding holding water is only the first step. Correct presentation is next. When Euro-nymphing for steelhead, the deeper holding lies they typically inhabit generally necessitate an up and across presentation. I tend to position myself so that the holding lie I am targeting is directly across or slightly downstream from me. I cast quartering upstream within the current seam destined for the lie. I allow the rig to sink without any tension until just above the lie. If you maintain an elevated rod angle the rig will naturally attain tension, and thereby strike detection, once the flies sink to the point where your leader tightens. Adjusting rod elevation, tippet length, and fly weight will help you drift near the substrate without constantly hooking up on it. Any deviation or hesitation of your sighter’s drift should be reacted to with a sharp downstream hookset. I often add a haul to my hooksets on steelhead as well to make sure my hook penetrates their thick dense mouth. Most of the steelhead I lose are early in the fight after a quick turn; a sign of poor hook penetration.
Also, don't forget to swing out your drift if you have gotten through it without needing to set the hook. This lesson was reinforced while I was fishing with my friend Ben Swaner back in March. I was fishing above Benand finishing my drift over a shelf that dropped into a nice pool. Ben told me he saw a steelhead chase my flies up at the end of my drift as I went to make a cast. I wasn't sure that I believed him until the fish chased my flies all the way to the surface on my next drift and tried to roll on them when I went to cast again. On the next few drifts I cast straight across and focused on the swing at the end of the drift. I ended up hooking three steelhead there on magneto stones and squirmy wormies swung at the end of my drift.
また、もしアタリを取らないでそこを流し過ぎたなら、ドリフトを止めることを忘れるな。この練習は、ボクが友人のBen Swanerと3月に釣りをしてる間に練習した。Benandの上流で、いいプールに流れ落ちる棚を過ぎたらドリフトを終了する釣りをしていた。Benは、ボクがキャストしフライがドリフトの最後に来たとき、スティールヘッドが追ってくるのが分かった、と言った。ボクは、次のドリフトで魚が水面までズーッとフライを追って来ていて、それからロールキャストを行うまで、彼の言っているを信じていたかどうかハッキリしない。次の数回のドリフトでは真っ直ぐにキャストし、ドリフトの終わりのアタリに注視した。そこでは、Magneto StoneとSquirmy Wormiesを使って、3匹のスティールヘッドを釣り上げる結果になった。
- 魚の狙った隠れ場の5-20フィート上流にキャスト
- 魚の隠れ場の真ん前でフライが沈むように
- デッドドリフト中、垂直方向のテンションをロッドで維持する
- スウィング中、竿先を下げ、ドリフトが長くなるように
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