
Bead Fishing 201 - The Next Level

Bead Fishing 201 - The Next Level(ビーズ釣り - 次のレベル) By Mike Cole
You are knee-deep in the river during the prime salmon spawn and trout are gorging themselves at an “all you can eat” buffet.  The egg hatch is on and the time to fish is now. Everyone is fishing beads but one angler is constantly hooked up.  Every time you look over he has a fish on. What is he doing that you aren’t?  Is he fishing some secret bead? Is he fishing a different rig? Fishing two beads at once?
There is more to successful bead fishing than threading a bead on and throwing it out behind some spawning salmon.  The anglers catching a lot of fish have more than a few tricks up their sleeve. Understanding the different styles of beads, the appropriate colors to use as well as a few tricky bead rigs can mean the difference between a 5 fish day and a 30 fish day. Today we are going to go beyond the basics and delve deeper into bead fishing.
 サーモンが産卵の全盛期、川は膝下の水深になる。鱒は「おかわり自由(all you can eat)」の店でたらふく喰っている。魚卵のふ化が始まっていて、今が釣りの時期だ。誰もがビーズで釣りをするが、ある釣人はいつも釣っている。君が調査するたびに、彼は釣れている。彼は何をしているのか(君は何が不足しているのか)?彼は秘密のビーズで釣っているのか?どこか違った仕掛けを使っているのか?ビーズ2段仕掛けで釣っているのか?
What Style Of Beads Should I Use?(どんなビーズ・スタイルを使うべきか?)
There are four main styles of beads available today; Standard Beads, Mottled Beads, Blood Dot Beads, and Glo Beadz. In order to figure out which is best for your situation a little history is in order.  Back when the guides in Western Alaska first started using beads, there weren’t a lot of choices. Most early beads were plain, pearl or translucent in color. It didn’t take long for these guides to realize that the original beads needed a little enhancement to match the real thing. To make them more realistic, they started hand painting their beads with fingernail polish. By adding a sheen to the bead, the bead looked more like the real thing. These hardy pioneers of bead fishing endured a lot of weird looks as they scoured the local beauty sections for the best nail polish colors. But hand painting each bead with multiple coats of polish was a slow and tedious process.
 現在、ビーズには主に標準(standard)、ぶち、まだら(motteled)、血の滴(blood dot)、灼熱(Glo)ビーズ4つのスタイルがある。どれがあなたの状況にベストか?を理解するために、その短い歴史を整理してみよう。西アラスカのガイドが最初ビーズを使ったときに戻ってみると、沢山の選択肢は無かった。最も初期のビーズは色が均一で、パール色か透明だった。ガイド達はオリジナルのビーズが、実際のものにマッチするようにちょっと拡張する必要があることに気が付くのに時間を要しなかった。ビーズをより実物のように見えるようにするために、爪の艶だし(fingernail polish)を使って手作業でビーズの色塗りに応用し始めた。ビーズに光沢を加えることによって、ビーズはより実物のようになった。これらのビーズ釣りの困難なパイオニアは、ベストな爪艶の色のために、地元の美容院に点数を付けながら、この好奇心の眼差しに耐えた。しかし手作業によるビーズの多層塗りは、スローで退屈な作業だった。
After countless bottles of nail polish, empty beer cans, and lost brain cells these same guides got crafty. They began to use white spray paint to mass-produce their work. Using a brown paper bag, they would spray a little paint into the bag, dump in the beads and give it a shake. And so the Mottled Bead was created.
For a long time, Mottled Beads were an underground deal. If you wanted them you had to make them yourself. Today though, Troutbeads offers a large variety of Mottled Beads in sizes 6mm, 8mm, 10mm and 12mm. They also make a Blood Dot bead that is simply a Mottled Bead with a dot added to make them more realistic. If you are not looking to hand paint your own beads, Mottled and Blood Dot beads are the way to go. These beads fish great right out of the bag. If you do want to add fingernail polish to your beads or the trout in your area don't get a lot of fishing pressure, then the standard Troutbeads are the best choice.
Finally, Troutbeads also makes a style called Glow Beadz. The Glow Beadz are great early and late season attractor beads. In the larger sizes they are Steelhead slayers.
 長い間、ブチ模様のビーズは秘密の取引だった。もし君が欲しいなら自分で作らねばならなかった。しかし今では、サイズ6mm, 8mm, 12mmの色々な鱒用ブチビーズが売られている。より本物らしくするために斑点を加えると、ブチビーズが簡単に血の滴ビーズに変身する。自分のビーズに手作業で色塗りしたくないか、またはあなたのエリアの鱒が釣りのプレッシャーをあまり受けてなのなら、標準的なビーズが最善の選択だ。最後の鱒用ビーズは灼熱(Glow)ビーズと呼ばれるスタイルになる。グロ・ビーズは早春と晩秋のアトラクタービーズである。大きいサイズのビーズはスティールヘッド・スレイヤー(退治する人)だ。
What Colors Should I Fish?(どんな色で釣るべきか?)
Like a good boy scout, a good bead fisherman should be prepared.  This means having a wide variety of colors. The goal is to fish a bead that matches as closely as possible the color of the egg that the trout and char are targeting. To get started, you need to know what type of egg the trout are targeting. Eggs can be categorized into a three main groups:
        •        Live or Fresh
        •        Fresh Dead
        •        Washed Dead
Fresh eggs have just hit the water and will have a robust translucent orange/red look to them.  Beads that best represent these would be Natural Roe, Dark Roe, Tangerine and Orange Clear. Fresh eggs are the way to go if you are fishing during the spawn and right behind paired up salmon.
新鮮な卵が水面に落ちると固く透明なオレンジ・赤になる。そのベストなビーズはNatural Rose, Dark Rose, タンジンとオレンジ・クリアだろう。もし産卵期に釣りに行って、ペアーになったサーモンの真後で釣りをしているなら、新鮮な魚卵(Fresh)がベストだ。
After a short time in the water, eggs will start to whiten as UV light starts to break the proteins down.  These are known as Fresh Dead eggs and are a favorite food source especially when trout aren’t laying right behind paired up salmon. Try Fresh Dead colors if you are searching an area for trout or are covering a run where there are not many salmon spawning. Beads that best represent these eggs are Fluorescent Orange, Sun Orange, Caramel Roe and Glow Roe.
Finally there are dead, washed eggs.  These are eggs that are anywhere from a few hours old to many months old.  Good bead matches include Cotton Candy, Dark Peach and Apricot.  These dead colors can be super-effective when used in the Blood Dot forms.  Try these late in the season or in the spring when left over eggs from the fall are still being dislodged from the old spawning beds.
A note on determining what color bead to use. On river systems with larger salmon runs, piles of dead eggs can often be found in back channels and behind rocks.  Do not be fooled by these washed out dead eggs.  Trout will eat these rotting morsels, but often prefer a fresher egg when the opportunity presents itself. If you are looking to "match the hatch," try to find an egg that is still in the current as opposed to one that has been sitting in a side pool.
 水中で時間が少し経つと、魚卵はUV光がタンパク質を壊し始め、白濁するだろう。これは「死んだばかりのビーズ」卵として知られていて、ペアーのサーモンの背後に鱒が並んでいないときには、特に好みの食糧源になる。もし、鱒を探しているか、たくさんのサーモンが産卵していない場所の流れをカバーしているなら、このFresh Dead色を試せ。これらの魚卵をうまく表現するビーズはFluorescent Orange, Sun Orange, Caramel Roe and Glow Roe色だ。
 最後に、死んだ魚卵(washed魚卵)がある。これらは2・3ヶ月から数ヶ月経った魚卵だ。いいビーズはCotton Candy, Dark Peach and Apricotだ。これらの色はBlood Dot(血の滴)の形を使ったとき、驚くべき効果を発揮する。遅いシーズンか、窪みから溢れた魚卵が古い産卵床からまだ追い出されている春にだ。使うべきビーズの色を決めるための注意。大量のサーモンの遡上がある水系では、大量の死んだ魚卵が川筋の後ろや岩の後ろに見られるが、「洗い流された魚卵」に騙されないように。鱒は腐った1片を食べようとするが、チャンスがあったら新鮮な魚卵を好む。もし、君がマッチ・ザ・ハッチに目を向けているなら、川岸のプールにある魚卵とは逆に、流れの中に停滞している魚卵を探せ。
What Size Hook Is Best?(どんなサイズのフックがいいか?)
A lot of this is personal preference. But here is a short primer.
6mm Beads: Hook sizes 6-10
·      Size 6 or 8 are for general use.
·      Size 10’s are good for spooky fish or low water.
8mm Beads: Hook sizes 4-8
·      Size 6 is a good general size.
·      Size 4 is good for larger trout.
·      Size 8 for spooky trout.
10mm Beads: Hook Sizes 2-6
·      Size 4 works best, but 6's will work too.
·      Size 2 hooks are for larger fish.
12mm and 14mm Beads: Hooks 1/0-4
·      Size 2 and 4 are best for trout.
·      Size 1 and 1/0 are good for steelhead.

When choosing hook sizes take these factors into consideration:
        •        Smaller barbless hooks do less damage to a fish’s mouth.
        •        If you are missing a lot of fish, make sure a proper DOWNSTREAM hook set is being used before going to a larger hook
        •        Some waters have a hook size restrictions and larger hooks may be illegal.  Check the local regulations first!
Alternative Bead Rigs - Beyond the Basicsーもう1つのビーズ仕掛け(基礎を越えた)
There are many ways to make beads rigs, from the standard bead pegged above a hook to the tricky sliding bead rig.  Here are a few different rigs:
STANDARD - A standard bead leader consists of a mono or fluorocarbon butt section that is anywhere from 5' to 10’ in length.  From this, 2’ of mono or fluorocarbon tippet is added. The bead is then pegged in place within 2 inches of the hook.  If needed, split shot or other forms of weight can be added at the junction of the leader and tippet.
DRIFT STYLE - A drift style rig is virtually the same as a standard rig.  Only with this rig there is a tag left at the tippet leader junction from the conjoining knot.  This tag should be two to three inches in length.  An overhand or granny knot is put in the tag end and split shot or weight is added to the tag, rather than onto the leader directly.  This rigs does two things. 
        •        One, the leader is never weakened by the split shot.
        •        Two, because the weight isn’t directly on the leader, this helps prevent snagging bottom when fishing into the shallower portions of a run.
ドリフト・スタイル:ドリフトの仕掛けは標準仕掛けとほとんど同じだ。ティペット・リーダの結び目に、連結ノット(conjoining knot)で吊り紐がある。この吊り紐は2~3インチであるべきだ。overhandかgrannyノットで吊り紐の終端に結び、スプリットショットやオモリはリーダに直接結ばないで、吊り紐に加える。次の2つの効果がある。
 DOUBLE BEAD RIG - Some river systems in Alaska allow the use of two hooks or flies.  In the larger systems there are often more than one species of salmon spawning at once, so fishing a two-bead rig can be very effective.  This rig is set up just like a double nymph rig. After setting up a standard bead rig, tippet is added to the bend of the hook and an additional bead and hook is dropped below it. This allows you to fish two different colors of bead so you can key in on what the trout want to eat. It also works well for fishing two different size beads like a 10mm to a 6mm. When using two different sizes, the larger bead is fished up top.
SLIDING BEAD RIG -  In Alaskan waters like the Kenai that are single hook or fly only, fishing two fixed beads is illegal.  Using a larger bead as an attractor to a smaller bead is a great way to get a larger trout’s attention.  Often the trout will approach the larger bead and eat the smaller bead when it figures out the larger bead is a phony. To do this without "Johnny Law" breaking out the ticket pad, a sliding rig must be created.
Use a leader butt of 4-7’ in length.  Take a 2’ section of matching tippet and fold it in half.  Attach the folded end to the leader with a surgeon’s knot or a blood knot.  Be careful so that the knot seats cleanly.  Slide the larger attractor bead onto one of the loose tags.  Match up the loose ends and twist them together to make a single strand of line.  Now attach the final tippet (usually 18”) to this using a surgeon’s and attach the beads that will be fished to this tippet.  This double-bead rig skirts around the law because the larger bead can free slide and you are only fishing one hook. (Note that in the photo we tied the sliding portion of the leader with bright orange leader material for ease of viewing. You will want to use standard mono or fluorocarbon.)
 搭乗券の式台を外したジョニー法(Johnny Law)無くして(?)、こうするためにはスライダ式仕掛けを作らねばならない。
Even More Ways to Fish Beads.(ビーズ釣りの更なる方法)
The Steak & Eggs and Egg Stealing Sculpin
There other ways to fish beads besides the standard dead drift/nymphing approach.  When fishing leeches and sculpin in the spring or fall, a bead can be slid in front of the fly to make an Egg Sucking Leech or Egg Stealing Sculpin.  In the same fashion, pegging a bead in front of a leech or sculpin can create the appearance of a leech chasing down a free-floating egg. 
During the late fall when trout start to target flesh, pegging a bead in front of a flesh fly can create a nice morsel known as “steak and eggs”. Just remember that state law states that a bead is an attractor and cannot be fixed more than two inches from the hook.
 ドリフト・ニンフ釣りの標準ビーズ以上の方法。春や秋に、leechやsculpinフライで釣るとき、ビーズはEgg Sucking LeechかEgg Stealing Sculpinをなすフライの前でスライドすることになる。同じやり方で、leechやsculpinの前にビーズを留めると、自由に浮いた魚卵を追うヒルのように見える。鱒がflesh(リーチのような血を吸う虫?)を意識し始める晩秋では、新鮮なfleshの前に取り付けたビーズは「ステーキと卵」と呼ばれる素晴らしい餌を作り出す。州法ではビーズはアトラクターで、「フックから2インチを超えて固定できない」と規定していることを忘れないように。 
Beads with Dry Flies & Nymphs(母ライフ来とニンフ付きビーズ)
Early in the egg drop, the first salmon dislodge many nymphs from the gravel beds.  Fishing a bead fixed above a Pheasant Tail or Copper John is a good choice in this early season situation.
Around this time trout will also key in on dry fly hatches. To take this approach to the next level, try doing a dry dropper rig with a single bead and hook or bead fixed above a nymph. Both are fun ways to incorporate beads into your early season fly-fishing.

 魚卵の季節の始めでは、最初のサーモンが砂利の産卵床から沢山ニンフ(幼虫)の追い出す。Pheasant tailやCopper Johnの上で、固定したビーズでの釣りは、シーズン初期ではイイ選択だ。その時期、鱒はドライハッチが鍵になる。次にレベルへ、このアプローチを取るために、1つのビーズとフック、またニンフ上の固定したビーズとドライのドロッパー(枝針)仕掛けで釣れ。季節初期のフライフィッシングにビーズを組み合わせるために、両方の方法は楽しい。
Wrapping It All Up(まとめ)
July and August are prime bead fishing season. Now is the time to take this added knowledge into the field and apply it to your fishing game.  Remember that there is more than one way to fish a bead and altering your game plan can be the difference between an average day and banner day. It can also help you hook that wise old trout that needs a little extra encouragement to come out and grab.  So get the victory beer ready, pack up your bead box, and get on the river!

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