
My Annual "Once in a Lifetime Trip to Alaska"


My Annual "Once in a Lifetime Trip to Alaska”(私の例年の「生涯で1度のアラスカの旅」)
by Todd Petersen , Photos: by the Author & Brad Hanson (2002)
Having the fortune/misfortune of my fishing partner moving to Alaska opened up a new world for me. Brad Hanson has now lived in Wasilla(アラスカのワシラ) for five years. Each year we make an annual rendezvous in Yakutat to fish for steelhead. I fly up from Salt Lake City, and he flies down from Anchorage; there we meet up with Bob Woolsey (retired Anchorage fireman) who flew down earlier to set up camp awaiting his son Kevin's arrival in a few days.

  幸か不幸か友人がアラスカに転居して、ボクに新しい世界を開いてくれた。Brad Hansonはもう5年間Wasillaに住んでいる。毎年、スティールヘッドを釣りにヤクタットで会うことにしている。ボクはソルトレイクシティで飛行機に乗り、彼はアンカレッジで乗った。そしてキャンプの準備のため、息子と一緒に数日前に来ているBob WoolseyとYakutatで合流した。

Anxious to fish we hurried to set up camp; grabbed some Cliff bars and started on the trail system up river. We hiked about 1 1/2 miles and began to sight fish. As I was working upriver Brad yelled, "Fish on!" He already hooked up with an ocean-bright hen melting line off his reel. Being no stranger to steelhead Brad worked this fish out of logjams and deadfall to open river where the fish finally surrenders for our measurement and release. After all this excitement and collecting my thoughts, I notice the coastal Sitka spruce, the gin clear river and think to myself "I made it back and I'm on the river and have six days of heaven ahead." Fishing until we no longer can see our targets, we walk out in darkness through familiar river, knowing how lucky we are, and realizing life could not get any better, that this should only be allowed once a year.

  早く釣りたかったので、キャンプの設営を急いだ。Cliffバーをかじり、上流へトレイルを歩き始めた。約1.5マイル歩いてからサイトフィッシングを開始した。上流に向けて釣っていたとき、Bradが「釣れた!」と叫んだ。彼はリールからラインを消え失せて、既にocean-brightの雄のスティールヘッドを釣り上げていた。スティールヘッドに精通していて、Bradは倒木と丸太の集まりから開けた水面へ魚を引き寄せ、そこで魚のサイズを測りリリースした。結局、この興奮と考えをまとめると、海岸のSitkaトウヒ、ジンクリアーな流れに気が付き、「帰ってきたんだ、今、川にいて、これから天国に6日間」と密かに思う(think to oneself) 。獲物が見つかるまで釣りを続け、慣れた川を暗くなるまで続け、何て幸せかと思い、人生は最高で、これは一年に一回だけ許されるなのだ、と自覚した。

       Brad                            Kevin

Brad Hanson is probably the most knowledgeable and generous fly fisherman on the river, and a very close friend. For the many hours he spends on the river, he will spend even more time learning about his quarry and their habits. Brad is the nucleus of our trip by putting it together to make it happen.

  Brad Hansonは恐らくここの川をもっと知っている賢いフライ釣り師で、親しい友人だ。彼がこの川で長く過ごしたので、もっと獲物(quarry)とその生態について学ぶだろう。Bradは全部組み合わせて、それを実現する我々の旅の中枢だ。

Bob Woolsey joined our group last year, and after a 3-day learning curve he became effective and successful steelhead fisherman. He brings a certain energy and life to camp. He has a story and a joke for every occasion. Kevin, Bob's son joined us 2 days into the trip. He is immediately likeable and possesses a certain charisma, with legs of a deer and a heart for adventure. Kevin and his dad made a great team.

昨年、Bob Woolseyは我々のグループに参加し、3日間の学習曲線後、効率的で上手いスティールヘッダーになった。彼はキャンプにある種のエネルギーと活気をもたらした。彼はいつも話とジョークがうまい。Kevin(Bobの息子)が2日間旅に参加した。彼は鹿の足と冒険の心で、すぐ魅力を発揮し、ある種のカリスマ性を持っている。Kevinと彼の父親はいいチームだった。

Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) migrate into the river from the ocean for their annual spawn. Males generally travel in the river system in late fall and winter over, while the females migrate into the river in early spring. Because these fish return back to the ocean after spawning, unlike salmon these fish may return 3 or 4 times in their lifetime. This will result in big fish. On average a first year spawning fish will be 27 inches in length, second year fish may be 32 inches, and third year fish may be 35 inches or bigger. These fish will get between 10 and 25 pounds. The mortality rate is low because of the short distance to the spawning grounds. They first enter the gauntlet at the confluence of the ocean mouth where seals await, then the otters, and finally the fishermen. Luckily they are by and large catch and release anglers who love these fish as much as fishing for them. With this catch and release policy the steelhead will continue to return year after year. Ocean-fresh fish have a mindset of spawning, and stop feeding which makes them tough to catch with traditional patterns. When you do hook into one of these fish hang on, you're going for a ride, and at this point a neuron misfires in your brain that will bring you back year after year.
Steelhead can be surprisingly easy to catch or down right stubborn. Generally our tactics include a two fly system: one being the egg and the other being the Woolhead sculpin. Using the high stick method of nymphing, and paying close attention to line mending with the long drifts has been very effective for us. Jim Teeny quoted, "If I spot 'em, I got 'em." This is generally true, but not always. Steelheads migrate up river in groups. As we walk up the river sight fishing we usually start with the fish closest to the tail out being careful not to line the fish in front and work our way up.

  スティールヘッドは、例年通り産卵のために海から川に移動している。一般に、オスは秋遅く遡上するか、越冬する。他方、メスは春先に遡上する。産卵後、鮭と違って海に戻るので、生涯では3・4回帰ることになる。だから大型になる。1年目は27インチ(68cm)、2年目に32インチ、そして3年目で35インチ以上になりえる。重量は10-25ポンドになる。産卵場所までの距離が短いので、死亡率は低い。彼らはまず、アザラシが待ち伏せている河口の合流点で集中攻撃(gauntlet)の場に入り、そしてカワウソ、最後は釣り人だ。幸い、彼らは概ね(by and large)キャッチ&リリースする釣り人で、釣りと同様、魚を愛している。このキャッチ&リリースの考えで、スティールヘッドは毎年遡上する。海からのフレッシュな魚は産卵の習性があり、捕食をやめるので、従来のパターンで釣ることは難しくなる。魚の1匹が掛かったとき、ガンバッテみたくなり(go for a ride)、この点に於いて、頭の中の神経細胞で誤った発火が起こり、毎年、ここに戻ってきたくなる。
  スティールヘッドは驚くほど簡単に釣れるか、頑固さを打ち負かす。普通、我々の戦略は2連フライで、1つはエッグ、Woolhead sculpinだ。ニンフ釣りのhight stickの方法を使って、長いドリフトでメンドされるラインに注意を払うと大変効果的だ。Jim Teenyを引用する。「見つけれれば、釣れる」。これは真実だが、いつもではない。スティールヘッドは集団で遡上する。サイトフィッシングで川の上流に進みながら、通常、瀬尻(tailout)に近い魚から用心深くスタートし、眼前に並ばせないように上流へ進む。


After four years of fishing on the same river system, we have found the best places to fish at the best times of the day, and armed with the right gear. The fly rods we use are premium seven weights with floating lines and fluorocarbon tippets. The garb is breathable waders, fleece pants for warmth, and nylon supplex shirts to dry quickly after hiking. The flies we have found most effective are: Situk Egg (Brad Hanson special), Moe Egg, and the Woolhead Sculpin. Bob Woolsey tied up fourteen dozen of the Woolhead Sculpin knowing how many he would use. Refer to the CHECKLIST column at left for links to the fly patterns which have been proven to be effective on Alaska's steelhead.

  同じ水系で4年間釣りをした後、いい釣り具で一番いい時間に釣れるいい場所を見つけた。使っている釣り竿は高価な#7、フローティングライン、フロロカーボンのティペットだ。服装(grab)は透湿製のウェイダー、保温のためのフリースのパンツ、歩いた後、速乾のためのナイロン supplexのシャツだ。最も効果のあったフライは、Situk Egg(Brad Hanson special)、Moe Egg, そしてWoolhead Sculpinだ。Bob Woolseyは、何個使うか考えて、Woolhead Sculpinを14個巻いた。効果があったもののリストを上に載せる。

To make the trip affordable we set up a base camp. The Yakutat region receives an annual rainfall of 175 inches a year. We have learned to bring the highest quality gear -- four season tents, Gore-Tex jackets and socks -- we set up a couple of portable tables and a huge tarp to stay under while it is raining (which is frequent and substantial). Bob took our trip to a new level this year by bringing a wall tent equipped with a wood-burning stove for drying our gear. Before the trip Bob prepared all the meals which he vacuum seals in plastic bags and freezes rock solid. When we have a late night of fishing, you just boil water and put in the bags to heat. Then by the time you take off your waders the food is hot and always tastes four star. This is huge when you don't return to camp until 11:30 at night.


The river, which boasts a large sea-run rainbow population, is located in the Tongass National Forest area of Southeast Alaska. The river flows from the Saint Elias range of mountains and ends in the Pacific Ocean. In the spring the water is clear and a balmy 38 degrees. The flora surrounding the river is old growth Sitka Spruce and is lined with alders. Most of the time you are walking trails that bears have used for hundreds of years, or using the stream itself as your trail. Eagles, otters, mink and the occasional costal brown bear are all very common wildlife, and at night the wolves' howl, which begs of wilderness. The river bottom has rocks the size of silver dollars: perfect for spawning steelhead, and later in the season a proliferation of other species of Pacific salmon use this river system as well.

  大量のスティールヘッドの遡上がある川は、アラスカの南東のトンガス国立森林区にある。川はSait Ellis区の山から流れ出し、太平洋に流れ出ている。春、水質がクリアで、穏やかな38F(3℃)だ。川周辺の植物群は樹齢のある成長したSitkaトウヒで、ハンノキが並んでいる。大半の時間を、熊が長年使っているトレイルを歩いているか、トレイルとして、川自体を歩く。鷲、カワウソ、キンク、ときどき、ブラウンベアは非常に一般的な野生動物で、夜は狼の遠吠えが荒野にこだます。川底は1ドルサイズの石で、産卵に適していて、シーズン遅くに大量の太平洋サーモンの他の種が、同様にこの水系を使う。


The year of 2002 Yakutat had a veritable hurricane move though, and many large shallow-rooted trees along the riverbank were blown down making the area look like a maze of giant pickup sticks. These large trees that were toppled have provided protection for the fish, and a challenge for the fishermen. Areas we became so familiar with that we put names to -- Brad's Straights and Todd's Run -- are now un-fishable. Just walking the stream has now become a giant obstacle course which requires sturdy waders to prevent rips and tears as we climbed over, around and through the gauntlet.


One-day turns into the next; we get up late and fish late. This year the majority of the Steelhead were not in the river yet. The cold spring and lack of rainfall generating low water conditions. We still managed to land 5 or 6 fish each day. After four days into the trip the fish finally arrived, hundreds maybe even a thousand. Many times during the last two days it was not uncommon to look down river and see Brad, Bob, or Kevin with a fish on.

  日が変わったとき、遅く起きて、遅くまで釣る。今年はまだスティールヘッドの中心が遡上していない。気温の低い春と降雨不足が水位を低くした。一日に5,6匹釣れた。旅の4日目で魚は到着し、数百たぶん数千の規模だ。残り2日間、何度も川を見渡したことは稀でなかった。Brad, Bob, Kevinの写真をみよ。

On the second to the last day Brad and I were walking out as we did each evening with the purpose of heading for our favorite end of the day runs. When across the river a huge male lying in a run feeling secure from a downed tree was calling my name. We sized it up, and Brad generously said, "go get him" -- after three casts "fish on" and a big one at that. Just by the sheer size I barely maintained control trying to lean hard and not break the tippet. Up river Bob and his son Kevin were walking towards us laughing from the long hike that day; they could see I had a hooked a big fish and rushed over to cheer me on. For twenty minutes it was touch and go; finally this fish gave in and I landed it with help.
This big buck measured 39 1/2 inches with a s.w.a.g guess of 25 pounds. A fish of a lifetime, after four years of fishing this would be my biggest. Each year someone lands a 39-inch fish, but we have not broken the 40-inch mark yet. This gives us a reason to return. After six full days of fishing we landed many bright fish each over 35 inches. Alaska, a trip of a lifetime has turned into an annual event. How lucky am I. The southeast portion is still a beautiful wilderness area full of life and a small footprint from man. With the foresight of some good people, and lessons learned from the lower 48 we can keep this treasure for everyone to enjoy fishing the wild steelhead.

  最終日の前に、Bradと私は、毎日、夕方その日の流れの終端まで遡上して一日を終えた。川を横断するとき、倒木の下に、安心して横たわっている一匹の巨大なオスが、私の名前を呼んでいた。我々は、大きさを上に決めた。Bradは気前よく「ヤツを捕まえろ(go get him」と言った。3回キャストしてヒットした。おまけに大物だった。20分間の間、危うかった(tough and go)。結局、魚は降参(gave in)し、手伝ってもらって釣り上げることが出来た。このオスは39.5インチで推定25ポンドだった。4年間の釣りで生涯の魚は最大だった。毎年、誰かが39インチを釣っているが、まだ40インチのマークを破っていない。これが我々がまた戻る理由になっている。アラスカ、生涯の旅が毎年の出来事になった。なんとラッキーか。南東部は生命に溢れ、僅かな人跡で、まだ美しい荒野が残っているエリアだ。善良な人々と48番目の州から学んだことで、誰もが野生のスティールヘッドの釣りを楽しめる財産を守ることができる。

Todd Petersen
(Fellow steelheader)

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