2. What is a fly?
The "fly" is a critical piece of fly fishing equipment. Because, without a fly you don't catch fish.
Choosing a Fly
The choice of a specific fly or selection of flies is highly dependent on what the angler is trying to catch, where and when they intend to fish.
-What Type of Fishing Are You Going To Do?
-Saltwater or Freshwater
-Surface or sub-surface
-Species being targeted
-Water conditions
-Matching a specific insect, baitfish, etc
-Matching flies to your tackle
-Color, Hook Size?
- どんな釣りをしようとしているか?
- 海水か淡水か
- 水面か水面下か
- 魚の種類は
- 水の状態は
- その虫や小魚はマッチしているか
- そのフライは仕掛けににマッチしているか
- 色とフックサイズは?
Where the experienced angler may know exactly which flies are needed, the inexperienced angler may not. A fly assortment is designed to provide the angler a logical variety of flies for different fishing conditions.
Note: Fly assortments are a good idea for inexperienced Anglers. Many come already loaded into a fly box.

Names & Patterns(名前とパターン)
There are literally 1000's of different artificial flies on the market and each has it's own name. Each name is generally one the following.
- Descriptive: color, materials, type of imitation
Pheasant Tail Nymph, Blue-Wing Olive
- Named: Inventor or someone
The Royal Wulff - A dry fly named for Lee Wulff
- Combination of Both: Clouser Deep Minnow
Minnow imitation named for Bob Clouser
- 描写的:色、素材、疑似タイプ(例:Pheasant,Tail Nymph, Blue-Wing Olive)
- 命名的:発明者か、誰か(The Royal Wulff- A dry fly named for Lee Wulff)
- 上記の組合わせ:Clouser Deep Minnow(Bob Clouserによって命名された小魚のイミテーション)
Anatomy -Dry

Anatomy -Streamer

Anatomy -Nymph

Flies Equal

3. What type of files are there?
Any Fly designed to float on the surface of the water can be called a Dry Fly. Dry flies generally resemble an adult form of some terrestrial or aquatic insect.
Flies with a strong resemblance to adult insects are generaly known as Imitators ( e.g., Blue Wing Olive resembles a Baetis May Fly adult).
Flies with a weak resemblance to adult insects are generally known as attractors (e.g., Stimulator resembles the silhouette of a Caddis Fly or Grasshopper).
Note: Dry flies are generally considered, but not limited to freshwater flies used for Trout and Pan Fish.
ドライ:水面に浮くように作られたフライを「ドライ・フライ」と呼ぶ。一般に陸生昆虫か水生昆虫の成虫に似せている。成虫に大変よく似たフライは「イミテーター」として知られている(例えば、Blue Wing OliveはBaetis May Flyの成虫に似ている)。他方、成虫にあまり似ていないフライは「アトラクター」として知られている(例えば、スティミュレータはカディスやバッタのシルエットに似ている)。

Dry -Special
Some dry flies don't imitate anything, while others are designed for a specific stage in an insects life cycle. For example:
Attractor: The prototypical attractor pattern doesn't imitate anything specifically. It does look enough like a silhouette of a may fly to attract strikes.
Emerger: A type of dry fly which floats in the surface film to resemble an emerging adult aquatic insect.


Wet: Designed to sink below the surface of the water. Wet flies have been tied in a wide variety of patterns to represent larva, nymphs, pupa, drowned insects, baitfish and other underwater prey. Wet flies are generally considered freshwater flies.

Stage 5(Emerger): An emergence occurs when the nymph swims or floats to the surface of the water or crawls to the bank. Once there, the nymph sheds it’s skin and becomes an “emerger”. During this process the wings pop free and start to inflate. Emergers are usually very vulnerable during this process and fish feed on them freely.
Stage 6(Dun):Once the emerger has fully shed it’s skin and it’s wings have fully inflated it is called a “dun”. All mayfly duns have upright wings as shown in the photo. These wings are the easiest way to differentiate them from other insects on the water. Duns have opaque wings.
Stage 7(cont.): Mayfly duns will sit on the waters surface as they wait for their wings to fully inflate and dry so they can fly. They are very vulnerable at this point.
Nymph: Designed to resemble the immature form of aquatic insects and small crustaceans. Nymph flies are generally considered freshwater flies.

Designed to resemble non-aquatic insects that could fall prey to feeding fish after being blown or falling onto the water.
These include: ants, grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, etc.

Streamers/Wooly Buggers
Designed to resemble some form of baitfish or other large aquatic prey. Streamer flies may be patterned after both freshwater and saltwater prey species. Streamer flies are a very large and diverse category of flies as streamers are effective for almost any type of gamefish.

Lake flies represent aquatic insects, crustaceans, leeches and baitfish normally found in lakes, ponds and other still waters.

Warm Water
Generally designed to resemble both surface and sub-surface insect, crustacean, baitfish prey consumed by warm-water species such as largemouth or smallmouth bass or bluegill.
May include patterns that resemble small mammals, amphibians or reptiles that may fall prey to fish.
Steelhead / salmon: Designed for catching anadromous steelhead trout and salmon in western North American and Great Lakes rivers.
Egg: Designed to resemble the spawn of other fish that maybe encountered in a river and consumed by the target species.
スティールヘッド/鮭:北米の西岸とGreat Lakes riversの遡上スティールヘッドと鮭を釣る
Saltwater flies: Designed to represent a wide variety of inshore, offshore and estuarial saltwater baitfish, crustacean and other saltwater prey. Saltwater flies generally are found in both sub-surface and surface patterns.
Bonefish flies: A special genus of saltwater flies used to catch Bonefish in shallow water. Bonefish flies generally resemble small crabs, shrimp or other crustaceans.
Other specialty areas include Tarpon and Permit flies.
Now that you have an idea of how flies are categorized, let's take a look at the entomology behind some freshwater flies.
The following lifecycle illustrations are from Dave Whitlock's Guide to Aquatic Trout Food.
This book is available at Cabela's retail locations.


Stage 3(Nymph): A mayfly nymph ranges in length 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch. The sides of the body (abdomen) has a series of gills, and the body ends in two or three tails, usually three.
Some mayfly nymphs burrow, some crawl on the bottom, some are good swimmers. How each lives has an impact on what type of fly to use to imitate them, and how to fish them.

Stage 5(Emerger): An emergence occurs when the nymph swims or floats to the surface of the water or crawls to the bank. Once there, the nymph sheds it’s skin and becomes an “emerger”. During this process the wings pop free and start to inflate. Emergers are usually very vulnerable during this process and fish feed on them freely.

Stage 6(Dun):Once the emerger has fully shed it’s skin and it’s wings have fully inflated it is called a “dun”. All mayfly duns have upright wings as shown in the photo. These wings are the easiest way to differentiate them from other insects on the water. Duns have opaque wings.

Stage 7(cont.): Mayfly duns will sit on the waters surface as they wait for their wings to fully inflate and dry so they can fly. They are very vulnerable at this point.
Weather can have a big impact on how long this process takes, in cool, wet weather it can take much longer for the wings to become functional. Once the insects are able to fly they leave the water and fly to nearby trees or brush to rest.
Stage 9(Spinner): After the duns have spent time resting (a day, or more usually), they shed their skin one more time and become mature adults, called “spinners”?. Spinners have clear wings. Spinners mate in the air and once mating is complete the males die, females lay their eggs, then die. “Spent” spinners, shown in the photo are dead insects that are very popular fish food.


Caddisflies have a complete life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, adult. The larvae (worm) are not very mobile and live on the bottom of stream or lake. Some are free living, some make cases or nets to live in.

As they near maturity, caddis larva pupate, much like butterfly caterpillars make cocoons. Caddis pupa show forming wings through their skin and sport the long legs of adults.
When caddis pupa hatch they usually swim quickly to the surface. They trail emerging wings, legs and antennae and are often well imitated by soft hackle wet flies.

The adults have two pair of wings, and they are tent shaped over the body. Caddis adults are strong fliers. In comparison, mayfly duns have upright wings, and most mayflies are weak fliers.

Stonefly adults have two pairs of wings. They fold over the body, like caddis flies, but lay flat, not tent shaped like caddis. The very large western “salmonfly” shown is a classic stonefly example.
ストーン・フライ(カワゲラ)は2つの2組羽根(全部で4枚)を持つ。羽根はカディスのように体の上で折りたたまれている(fold over)が、カディスのようにテント状に立っていない。写真の非常に大きなサーモンフライはクラシカルなストーンフライの典型例である。
Stonefly nymphs range from small ¼”, to large 2 ½”. Most stonefly nymphs are not good swimmers so crawl along the bottom and vegetation. They often live in very heavy current and have powerful legs and claws.
ストーンフライ・ニンフのサイズはだいたい1/4~2.1/2インチだ。ほとんどのストーンニンフは泳げないので、川底や藻上を這っている。 ときどき、急流でも見かけ、強力な足とかぎ爪を持っている。

Midges comprise many kinds of very small two-winged flies found world-wide.

Stage 3(Larva)
Midge larvae are found in all types of water. They are available for food the year around. Their body colors are black brown, green, tan, cream, and red.

Stage 5(Pupa)
Midge pupa form a cocoon and burrow into the bottom. They develop, then swim or float to the surface to emerge. Like caddis pupa, midge pupa often show forming wings through the pupa shell. When the pupa are fully developed, they shed their skin and emerge as adult midges. ミッジ・ピューパは繭を作り、川底に潜っている。成長すると、泳ぎ、水面に浮いてくる。カディス・ピューパのように、ミッジ・ピューパはピューパの殻の中に、羽根を見せる。殻から出て、成虫のミッジになる。
Stage 8(Adult)
Midge adults can emerge all year in streams. The pupae leave the bottom swim and or float to the surface and emerge as adults. Adult midges have wings that lay flat over the body, much like stoneflies. While fish do eat individual midges, mating “clusters” often form and fish will key on those.

Ants and other terrestrial insects often fall or blow into the water and are prized by fish. Periodically, ants swarm to mate. Males are winged.
During swarming, If the flight occurs near a stream or lake these flying ants may literally carpet the water’s surface, stimulating feeding orgies among the fish.

7.Midge lifecycle
IntroductionMidges comprise many kinds of very small two-winged flies found world-wide.

Stage 3(Larva)
Midge larvae are found in all types of water. They are available for food the year around. Their body colors are black brown, green, tan, cream, and red.

Stage 5(Pupa)
Midge pupa form a cocoon and burrow into the bottom. They develop, then swim or float to the surface to emerge. Like caddis pupa, midge pupa often show forming wings through the pupa shell. When the pupa are fully developed, they shed their skin and emerge as adult midges. ミッジ・ピューパは繭を作り、川底に潜っている。成長すると、泳ぎ、水面に浮いてくる。カディス・ピューパのように、ミッジ・ピューパはピューパの殻の中に、羽根を見せる。殻から出て、成虫のミッジになる。
Stage 8(Adult)
Midge adults can emerge all year in streams. The pupae leave the bottom swim and or float to the surface and emerge as adults. Adult midges have wings that lay flat over the body, much like stoneflies. While fish do eat individual midges, mating “clusters” often form and fish will key on those.

8. Additional Food Sources
AntsAnts and other terrestrial insects often fall or blow into the water and are prized by fish. Periodically, ants swarm to mate. Males are winged.

Scuds Crustaceans are a major aquatic fish food. Scuds are small 1/4 to 1/2 inch and shrimp like. Scuds, upon inspection have a horizontally flattened body. Scuds are very active swimmers and usually live in/near vegetation. Where prevalent, scuds can be an extremely important fish food. Sometimes called “sideswimmers”, scuds do swim on their sides. Scuds are often tan, pink or orange. Scud patterns fished near vegetation are often deadly.

Scuds Crustaceans are a major aquatic fish food. Scuds are small 1/4 to 1/2 inch and shrimp like. Scuds, upon inspection have a horizontally flattened body. Scuds are very active swimmers and usually live in/near vegetation. Where prevalent, scuds can be an extremely important fish food. Sometimes called “sideswimmers”, scuds do swim on their sides. Scuds are often tan, pink or orange. Scud patterns fished near vegetation are often deadly.

Sowbugs Sowbugs have eight distinctive flat segments and have very flat bodies. Sowbugs sometimes known as cressbugs or pillbugs are closely related to scuds. They are of similar size and live in the the same places as scuds. Sowbugs are not strong swimmers, however.

Sowbugs Sowbugs have eight distinctive flat segments and have very flat bodies. Sowbugs sometimes known as cressbugs or pillbugs are closely related to scuds. They are of similar size and live in the the same places as scuds. Sowbugs are not strong swimmers, however.

Crayfish The crayfish is a sizable, important and rich food item for fish in many lakes and streams. Crayfish have five pairs of legs, the first pair is usually much larger, with strong jawed pinchers used for holding and eating. Crayfish can be a very important food source for large fish in many waters.

Crayfish The crayfish is a sizable, important and rich food item for fish in many lakes and streams. Crayfish have five pairs of legs, the first pair is usually much larger, with strong jawed pinchers used for holding and eating. Crayfish can be a very important food source for large fish in many waters.

Beetles Beetles are the largest order of insects. They include both terrestrial and aquatic forms of widely varying size, color and shape. Beetles have a complete life cycle and in the aquatic species both larvae and adults are eaten by fish Terrestrial beetles are often blown into the water and are readily eaten by fish. Terrestrial beetles are poor swimmers and should be fished dead drift on the surface, or sunk.

Beetles Beetles are the largest order of insects. They include both terrestrial and aquatic forms of widely varying size, color and shape. Beetles have a complete life cycle and in the aquatic species both larvae and adults are eaten by fish Terrestrial beetles are often blown into the water and are readily eaten by fish. Terrestrial beetles are poor swimmers and should be fished dead drift on the surface, or sunk.

Aquatic Beetles Adult aquatic beetles vary from ⅛” to more than 2” in length. Beetles are the largest order of insects. They include both terrestrial and aquatic forms of widely varying size, color and shape. Beetles have a complete life cycle and in the aquatic species both larvae and adults are eaten by fish.
Aquatic beetles are strong swimmers and fly patterns imitating them are usually best fished with an active retrieve.
水生カブトムシ(水生昆虫) 水生昆虫のカブトムシは1/8~2インチの大きさです。泳ぎが上手く、それを模したフライパターンは積極的なリトリーブでよく釣れる。
Damselfly nymphs can be easily recognized. Three paddle-shaped gills occur at the end of the long slender abdomen. The short husky thorax bears the wing pads and long rangy legs. The head is short, but with the bulging compound eyes it is wider than the thorax. Damselflies and dragonflies are closely related and are eaten by fish, both as nymphs and adults. Not as important as the insects discussed previously, but can be significant to anglers in many lakes and ponds.
イトトンボ イトトンボの幼虫は簡単に見分けられる。長くスレンダーな腹部の終端に、パドル状のヒダが見られる。短い殻状の胸部には羽根パッドと長い足が生えている。頭部は短いが、出っ張った複眼があるので腹部より幅広である。イトトンボとトンボは親戚同士で、その幼虫と成虫ども魚の餌食になる。先に述べた昆虫ほど重要でないが、湖や池の釣り人にとっては重要だ。

Aquatic Beetles Adult aquatic beetles vary from ⅛” to more than 2” in length. Beetles are the largest order of insects. They include both terrestrial and aquatic forms of widely varying size, color and shape. Beetles have a complete life cycle and in the aquatic species both larvae and adults are eaten by fish.
Aquatic beetles are strong swimmers and fly patterns imitating them are usually best fished with an active retrieve.
水生カブトムシ(水生昆虫) 水生昆虫のカブトムシは1/8~2インチの大きさです。泳ぎが上手く、それを模したフライパターンは積極的なリトリーブでよく釣れる。
イトトンボ イトトンボの幼虫は簡単に見分けられる。長くスレンダーな腹部の終端に、パドル状のヒダが見られる。短い殻状の胸部には羽根パッドと長い足が生えている。頭部は短いが、出っ張った複眼があるので腹部より幅広である。イトトンボとトンボは親戚同士で、その幼虫と成虫ども魚の餌食になる。先に述べた昆虫ほど重要でないが、湖や池の釣り人にとっては重要だ。

Grasshoppers typically become mature and very active in mid to late summer. Often large, grasshoppers become a favorite fish food along rivers and streams that flow through grassy meadows. Grasshoppers are often blown into the water on windy days. Grasshopper patterns are often best fished “splatted” hard onto the water near grassy banks.
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