Trout Flies(鱒用フライ)
by Dave and Emily Whitlock
Trout feed on an awesome variety of food forms and so a typical fly selection should include wet flies, soft hackles, dry flies, midges, crustaceans, nymphs, terrestrials, streamers, lead-eyed streamers, bottom minnows(鱒たちは実に様々な形の餌を捕食する。だからフライを選択するときは、ウェットフライ、ソフトハックル、ドライフライ、ミッジ、エビなどの甲殻類、ニンフ、陸生昆虫、ストリーマ、ミノーを含めるべきだ)
Trout flies have always been a fascinating mix of practical function, unique sculptural form, and hypnotic beauty to me. In the next few chapters, I’d like to discuss wet flies, dry flies, nymphs, emergers, crustaceans, terrestrials, streamers, bottom dwellers, and exciters/attractors, and how I see their evolution, from historic, to traditional standards, to new designs. The materials, performances, and effectiveness will receive my analysis, as will their colors and forms through my pens, pencils, and paints.
As you know, most trout flies are imitations of some form of live trout food. I believe the term fly evolved from a general British description of insects, much like Americans use the word bugs. Originally, most trout flies were imitations of aquatic insects, both mature and immature. However, as the sport of fly fishing spread and evolved to many places in the world, and as more fly fishing was done throughout the entire four seasons, flyfishers recognized that trout indeed feed on much more than just aquatic insects. Paralleling this, fly fishers slowly accepted that it was good sport to fish flies not only on the surface, but throughout the entire water column of streams and lakes.
Flies not usually considered standard trout food imitations: eggs, worms, pellets, microjigs(鱒の標準的な餌のイミテーションと考えられないフライ).
During my lifetime, in order to reach deeper depths and fish swifter waters, many American trout flies have been gradually tied with heavier and heavier materials, for example, copper wire, and heavier materials, for example, copper wire, and heavier materials, for example, copper wire, bead chain eyes, lead wire, lead eyes, and very dense tungsten beads are employed (as well as using split-shot and fast-sinking fly line) to get these flies down deep. As this “weight race” began, many older flyfishers on both continents strongly objected. I remember that Lee Wulff, perhaps our most acclaimed wild trout conservationist, argued that trout and salmon need water depth for sanctuary to survive our fishing efforts. Weighted flies and fly lines have taken much of that away from them. There are still a few trout and salmon waters (mostly in Europe, but also in America) where weighted flies and lines are forbidden.
生涯の間、より深く沈め、急流で釣るために、多くのアメリカの鱒フライは段々より重い材料で巻かれてきている。例えば、銅製ワイヤー、ビーズ・アイ、鉛ワイアー、そして高密度タングステン・ビーズ(スプリット・ショットやファースト・シンキング・ラインと同様)は深く沈めるために使われる。このオモリ競争(weight race)が始まると、両大陸のたくさんの年配フライフィッシャーは大反対した。Lee Wulff(最も賞賛された野生の鱒保護論者)は鱒と鮭に生き残るための聖域として深場が必要だ、と論じたことを思い出す。オモリ入りフライやフライラインはそれらの思想から除外されているが、オモリ入りフライやラインが禁止されている2・3の鱒川と鮭川は今もある(大半はヨーロッパか、アメリカの川)。
So, the simple definition of a fly has changed greatly over time and has gotten much more complex.
A trout fly can simulate several food forms. The ones that suggest the widest variety of foods often become standards or classics ( 鱒フライはいくつかの餌を真似ている。広く多用さを暗示する餌は標準あるいは古典的フライになる).
When I was eight years old, I didn’t realize it but I began making fly-like lures when I’d run out of worms, bacon fat, crawfish tails, or whatever bait I was able to find for catching bluegill and bullheads on my cane pole. I’d tie bits of grass, feathers, rubber bands, and other odds and ends to my long-shank cricket hooks, using red sewing thread I’d get from my grandmother. By gosh, these crudest of imitations worked pretty well! I’ve been designing and tying flies ever since, without any lull in my enthusiasm.
Through my teens and early twenties, I continued to create flies that worked for me with what limited tools, materials, and instructions I could find in the 1940s and 1950s in Oklahoma. This self-educating process proved to be a minor handicap—and a major advantage—during my lifetime as a creative trout fly designer and tier. One of my first impressions about trout fly tying, after learning about many of the famous trout flies, was that they had to be constructed of only very specific natural animal feathers and hair, such as otter, jungle cock, and wood duck.
十代と二十代前半は、オクラホマの1940年から1950年代に見つけた限定された道具、材料、指南書を使って、フライをずっと作り続けていた。この自習的過程は、創造的フライデザイナーとタイヤーとして、小さなハンディキャップと大きな前進となった。たくさんの有名な鱒用フライを学んだ後、フライ・タイイングで最も印象的だったことは、それらはカワウソ、jungle cock(野鶏)、アメリカオシのような特定の野生動物の皮や羽根からのみ作られている、ということだった。
I considered these materials to be almost sacred and magical in their ability to imitate live trout foods. Yet my “home-made,” unorthodox flies, spun with the hair from local rabbits and squirrels I hunted and barnyard rooster feathers, would also catch trout—at least in the stocked streams in Missouri state parks and in the Smoky Mountain streams I personally could reach from Oklahoma.
これらの材料は、鱒の生餌をイミテートする力において、ほとんど神聖で魔術的と思っている。今でも自分で捕った野ウサギやリスの毛、裏庭の鶏の羽根で巻いた家内仕事的な非伝統的フライで、鱒が釣れる。少なくとも、ミズーリ州立公園の放水の流れとオクラホマから行くことができるSmoky Mountainの流れでは。。
As I matured into my early thirties, I realized a couple of important facts. One, many of these “famous trout flies” had been constructed by early tiers using, like I had, materials that were available to them locally. Second, I could use synthetic materials that would be similar in color, texture, and physical dimensions to the natural materials. Synthetics signaled a departure from traditional materials, and that took some time to be accepted by the majority of older tiers and flyfishers. But these materials became more and more important as the supplies of natural, wild materials around the world dwindled and/ or they became unlawful or unethical to collect or sell. Today, most naturals are raised or legally hunted specifically for the garment industry or fishing-lure market.
The hallmark of fly fishing for trout is to try to match the natural foods on which they are feeding. I call this piece “Hatches and Matches.”
Although I still love to tie with natural materials the most, I have extended my fly designing significantly with synthetic hair, furs, foams, silicone, latex, Mylars, wires, paints, molding compounds, nylon threads, and plastic eyes. I would not want to go back to those limiting days of using only natural materials. I want my designs first to cater to trout, but at the same time, to be attractive to flyfishers as useful and durable artistic sculptures of trout foods.
私は今でも天然素材でフライを巻くことが非常に好きだけど、化学素材の毛、革、素材、シリコン、ラテックス、Mylar, ワイア、絵具、装飾材、ナイロン糸、そしてプラスティックの目を使うように、私のフライデザインを拡張してきた。天然素材のみ使う昔に戻ろうとは思わない。まず、鱒が食いつきたくなるフライをデザインしたいが、同時に、鱒の餌として普通に使えて、耐久性のある芸術的彫像として、釣り人を魅惑するものをデザインしたい。
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